Friday, February 17, 2012

February 13 to February 17

Name: Nathan Whittle
Course: Spanish 2
Unit: ¿Qué haces en tu casa?
Enduring Understanding: Students will communicate in Spanish through listening and understanding, speaking, reading, and writing while working towards fluency.
2/13/12-2/17/12 What the student should know, understand, or be able to do Teacher/Student Activities Daily Assessment/Closure
Monday Students will describe house and furniture and chores. 1. Project Checklist Reading Activity
2. Self Reflection
3. Revisions due tomorrow. Project Rubric
Tuesday Same 1. Project Checklist Reading activity
2. Peer Evaluation Same
Wednesday Same 1. Q and A for test
2. Quiz on 14 endings. Quiz results: Looking for the proper endings.
Thursday 1. Unit Exam: Written and free write Test Results
Friday 1. Unit Exam: Speaking/Listening comprehension Test Results

Course: Spanish III
1. Unit: ¿Cómo te diviertes?

Enduring Understanding: Students will communicate in Spanish through listening and understanding, speaking, reading, and writing while working towards fluency.
2/13/12-2/17/12 What the student should know, understand, or be able to do Teacher/Student Activities Daily Assessment/Closure
Monday Students will use whole language approach to reading unknown texts. 1. Interest survey to determine the articles they will be reading.
2. Scrabble in Spanish Observations of student words and interactions as they play scrabble
Tuesday Same as Monday 1. Finish Spanish Scrabble
2. Hand out “Song Text Book”
3. Begin work on song (if time) Same
Wednesday Students will understand target Spanish when read as well as learn new expressions through song. 1. Song day
2. Students will go through the lyrics to identify verb structures, tense, unknown vocabulary, and idiomatic expressions.

Song packet: looking for the students correct identification of those things listed.
Thursday Students will be able to differentiate between preterit and imperfect tenses. 1. Phrase/syntax challenge with j-lo and jimmer. Observations from challenge looking for correct sentence structures.
Friday Same 1. Same as Thursday
2. Quiz Same/Quiz results looking for same.

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