Name: Nathan Whittle
Course: Spanish 2
Unit: Adónde vas de vacacciones?
Enduring Understanding: Students will communicate in Spanish through listening and understanding, speaking, reading, and writing while working towards fluency.
12/12-12/16 What the student should know, understand, or be able to do Teacher/Student Activities Daily Assessment/Closure
Monday Students will use target Spanish focus on ir a + inf, progressive tense. 1. Begin Vacation Project.
2. Writing Workshop.
3. Research city state, weather, tourist traps, cultural landmarks. Check progress
Tuesday Same as Monday. 1. Writing Workshop
2. Map and Translation sections. Same
Wednesday Same as Monday. 1. Writing workshop.
2. Suitcase sentences. Same
Thursday Same as Monday. 1. Writing workshop
2. Picutre scrapbooking
Friday Same as Monday. 1. Writing workshop due at the end of the period. Projects using scoring rubric.
Course: Spanish III
Unit: ¿Qué haces todos los días?
Enduring Understanding: Students will communicate in Spanish through listening and understanding, speaking, reading, and writing while working towards fluency.
12/12-12/16 What the student should know, understand, or be able to do Teacher/Student Activities Daily Assessment/Closure
Monday Students will understand reflexive verbs and be able to write the infinitives and conjugations. 1. Daily routine writing workshop.
2. Paragraph #1 Present Tense Check progress
Tuesday Same as Monday. 1. Daily routine writing workshop
2. Paragraph #2 Preterit Tense Same
Wednesday Same as Monday
1. Writing Workshop
2. Life timeline. Same
Thursday Same as Monday 1. Writing workshop
2. Life timeline. Same
Friday Same as Monday 1. Writing workshop is due at the end of the period. Projects using scoring rubric.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
December 5 to December 9
Name: Nathan Whittle
Course: Spanish 2
Unit: Adónde vas de vacacciones?
Enduring Understanding: Students will communicate in Spanish through listening and understanding, speaking, reading, and writing while working towards fluency.
12/5-12/9 What the student should know, understand, or be able to do Teacher/Student Activities Daily Assessment/Closure
Monday Students will know how to understand and speak using progressive tense. 1. Notes on Progressive Tense.
2. Activity/practice. Exit ticket looking for correct use of progressive
Tuesday Same as Monday. 1. Head of the class challenge with progressive tense, ir a +inf, and para + inf.
Individual observations looking for correct use of all tenses involved.
Wednesday Learn to understand new vocab and structures in context 1. Q and A
2. Interview practice. Same as Tuesday
Thursday Learn to understand new vocab and structures in context 1. Q and A review.
2. Interview practice
Same as Tuesday
Friday Students will demonstrate understanding of target Spanish when spoken. 1. Continue story. Clickers: Looking for understanding of spoken Spanish.
Course: Spanish III
Unit: ¿Qué haces todos los días?
Enduring Understanding: Students will communicate in Spanish through listening and understanding, speaking, reading, and writing while working towards fluency.
12/5-12/9 What the student should know, understand, or be able to do Teacher/Student Activities Daily Assessment/Closure
Monday Students will understand reflexive verbs and be able to speak the infinitives and conjugations. 1. Flash cards with verbs.
2. Create and use Flash cards: looking for correct spelling and pronunciation.
Tuesday Same as Monday. 1. Grab Game
2. Spanish to English
3. Clicker Quiz Same as Monday as well as results of Quiz.
Wednesday Same as Monday
1. Grab Game
2. English to Spanish Same as Monday
Thursday Same as Monday 1. Around the world with whiteboards.
2. Story Same as Monday.
Friday Same as Monday 1. Head of the class with Speaking.
2. Q and A
3. Finish Story Surround sound responses
Course: Spanish 2
Unit: Adónde vas de vacacciones?
Enduring Understanding: Students will communicate in Spanish through listening and understanding, speaking, reading, and writing while working towards fluency.
12/5-12/9 What the student should know, understand, or be able to do Teacher/Student Activities Daily Assessment/Closure
Monday Students will know how to understand and speak using progressive tense. 1. Notes on Progressive Tense.
2. Activity/practice. Exit ticket looking for correct use of progressive
Tuesday Same as Monday. 1. Head of the class challenge with progressive tense, ir a +inf, and para + inf.
Individual observations looking for correct use of all tenses involved.
Wednesday Learn to understand new vocab and structures in context 1. Q and A
2. Interview practice. Same as Tuesday
Thursday Learn to understand new vocab and structures in context 1. Q and A review.
2. Interview practice
Same as Tuesday
Friday Students will demonstrate understanding of target Spanish when spoken. 1. Continue story. Clickers: Looking for understanding of spoken Spanish.
Course: Spanish III
Unit: ¿Qué haces todos los días?
Enduring Understanding: Students will communicate in Spanish through listening and understanding, speaking, reading, and writing while working towards fluency.
12/5-12/9 What the student should know, understand, or be able to do Teacher/Student Activities Daily Assessment/Closure
Monday Students will understand reflexive verbs and be able to speak the infinitives and conjugations. 1. Flash cards with verbs.
2. Create and use Flash cards: looking for correct spelling and pronunciation.
Tuesday Same as Monday. 1. Grab Game
2. Spanish to English
3. Clicker Quiz Same as Monday as well as results of Quiz.
Wednesday Same as Monday
1. Grab Game
2. English to Spanish Same as Monday
Thursday Same as Monday 1. Around the world with whiteboards.
2. Story Same as Monday.
Friday Same as Monday 1. Head of the class with Speaking.
2. Q and A
3. Finish Story Surround sound responses
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Thursday, December 8
Spanish II:
1. Reading Activity and Quiz.
2. Homework with ser and estar.
If you were gone you need to schedule a time to do the reading quiz, get the notes on ser and estar and the homework. Follow the instruction on the homework to complete it.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Challenge with whiteboards with reflexive conjugations.
If you were gone you need to go to, click on the grammar tab, take notes on lessons 59 and 60 and do the basic quiz for each. Print out the result page when it says 100%. No printer? Take a pic! :)
1. Reading Activity and Quiz.
2. Homework with ser and estar.
If you were gone you need to schedule a time to do the reading quiz, get the notes on ser and estar and the homework. Follow the instruction on the homework to complete it.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Challenge with whiteboards with reflexive conjugations.
If you were gone you need to go to, click on the grammar tab, take notes on lessons 59 and 60 and do the basic quiz for each. Print out the result page when it says 100%. No printer? Take a pic! :)
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Wednesday, December 7
Spanish II:
1. Writing prompt with a picture.
2. Write, in Spanish, a description of the picture as if it were a picture of an actual vacation you took. Include:
Cuánto cuesta-How much the activity costs
personas-people in the pic.
descripción de la actividad-description of the activity.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Flash card grab game.
2. English to Spanish.
If you were gone you need to study flash cards for twenty minutes and have parents signs.
1. Writing prompt with a picture.
2. Write, in Spanish, a description of the picture as if it were a picture of an actual vacation you took. Include:
Cuánto cuesta-How much the activity costs
personas-people in the pic.
descripción de la actividad-description of the activity.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Flash card grab game.
2. English to Spanish.
If you were gone you need to study flash cards for twenty minutes and have parents signs.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Tuesday, December 6
Spanish II:
1. Simple Future Tense and Progressive Tense comparison, notes, and examples.
2. Ahead of the class challenge with the two tenses.
If you were gone you need to open following link and take notes on the two lessons, then take the basic quiz and print out the quiz results page after it shows 100%. If your printer doesn't work, take a picture of it with your phone. .
Spanish III/IV:
1. Grab game with the flash cards. Spanish to English.
2. Quiz on Antes de/después de and reflexive verbs.
If you were gone you need to study your flash cards for 20 min and have parent sign. Also, you need to take the quiz.
1. Simple Future Tense and Progressive Tense comparison, notes, and examples.
2. Ahead of the class challenge with the two tenses.
If you were gone you need to open following link and take notes on the two lessons, then take the basic quiz and print out the quiz results page after it shows 100%. If your printer doesn't work, take a picture of it with your phone. .
Spanish III/IV:
1. Grab game with the flash cards. Spanish to English.
2. Quiz on Antes de/después de and reflexive verbs.
If you were gone you need to study your flash cards for 20 min and have parent sign. Also, you need to take the quiz.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Thursday, December 1
Spanish II:
1. Translation challenge with groups. We will finish tomorrow.
If you were gone you need to study your flash cards for 20 minutes or until you are fluent from English to Spanish, and have a parent sign.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Reflexive verb practice with past and present tenses.
If you were gone, get the paper I handed out, cut them out, and also translate the sentences below.
After I wake up, I get dressed.
Before I get dressed, I wake up.
1. Translation challenge with groups. We will finish tomorrow.
If you were gone you need to study your flash cards for 20 minutes or until you are fluent from English to Spanish, and have a parent sign.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Reflexive verb practice with past and present tenses.
If you were gone, get the paper I handed out, cut them out, and also translate the sentences below.
After I wake up, I get dressed.
Before I get dressed, I wake up.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Wednesday, November 30
Spanish II:
1. Reviewed the simple future tense. Go to the following link to read how to do this.
2. Reviewed "para" (in order)
Cuando voy de vacaciones:
Voy a llevar___________para____________.
I am going to take _________ in order_________.
Using the template above. Write the complete sentences matching the number to the letter below with the one that makes sense. Translate your sentences to English.
1. anteojos de sol
2. botas
3. bronceador
4. una bufanda
5. una cámara
6. un gorro
7. guantes
8. un abrigo
9. un impermeable
10. una maleta
11. un paraguas
12. mi pasaporte
13. un traje de baño
14. dinero
15. un bote
a. poner mi ropa.
b. proteger a mi cuello del frío.
c. proteger a mi cabeza del frío.
d. bucear en el mar.
e. pasear en la nieve.
f. protegerme de la lluvia.
g. protegerme de la lluvia y el viento.
h. pasear en el lago.
i. salir del país.
j. proteger a mis ojos del sol.
k. proteger a mis manos de la nieve.
l. tomar el sol en la playa.
m. esquiar en las montañas.
n. sacar fotos.
o. comprar recuerdos.
1. Reviewed the simple future tense. Go to the following link to read how to do this.
2. Reviewed "para" (in order)
Cuando voy de vacaciones:
Voy a llevar___________para____________.
I am going to take _________ in order_________.
Using the template above. Write the complete sentences matching the number to the letter below with the one that makes sense. Translate your sentences to English.
1. anteojos de sol
2. botas
3. bronceador
4. una bufanda
5. una cámara
6. un gorro
7. guantes
8. un abrigo
9. un impermeable
10. una maleta
11. un paraguas
12. mi pasaporte
13. un traje de baño
14. dinero
15. un bote
a. poner mi ropa.
b. proteger a mi cuello del frío.
c. proteger a mi cabeza del frío.
d. bucear en el mar.
e. pasear en la nieve.
f. protegerme de la lluvia.
g. protegerme de la lluvia y el viento.
h. pasear en el lago.
i. salir del país.
j. proteger a mis ojos del sol.
k. proteger a mis manos de la nieve.
l. tomar el sol en la playa.
m. esquiar en las montañas.
n. sacar fotos.
o. comprar recuerdos.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Monday, November 28
Spanish II:
1. Reading/syllable challenge.
2. We read the words below after breaking them into syllables.
3. We then read our flash cards to a partner and they translated.
A n t i c o n s t i t u c i o n a l m e n t e
E l e c t r o e n c e f a l o g r a f i s t a s
N e u m o n o u l t r a m i c r o s c o p i c o s i l i c i o v o l c a n c o n i o s i s
If you were gone you need to copy the words down. Break them into syllables, and then come read them to me. If you get them right, you get ten points. If not, no points. Focus on reading each syllable correctly. That means one vowel at a time!
Spanish III/IV:
1. Challenge with infinitives of reflexive verbs. I did the action and now you speak.
2. We added reflexive pronouns.
se=himself, herself, itself, themselves, all yourselves
When using reflexive with hay que, vale la pena, para, al, antes de, and después de (all are followed by infinitives) We must change the pronoun for the subject of the sentence.
Before you wake up: Antes de despertarte
Before I wake up: Antes de despertarme
After she wakes up: Después de despertarse
After we wake up: Después de despertarnos
If you were gone you need to practice speaking the verbs at home and have a parent sign that you did that for at least 20 min or until you were fluent with the infinitives.
1. Reading/syllable challenge.
2. We read the words below after breaking them into syllables.
3. We then read our flash cards to a partner and they translated.
A n t i c o n s t i t u c i o n a l m e n t e
E l e c t r o e n c e f a l o g r a f i s t a s
N e u m o n o u l t r a m i c r o s c o p i c o s i l i c i o v o l c a n c o n i o s i s
If you were gone you need to copy the words down. Break them into syllables, and then come read them to me. If you get them right, you get ten points. If not, no points. Focus on reading each syllable correctly. That means one vowel at a time!
Spanish III/IV:
1. Challenge with infinitives of reflexive verbs. I did the action and now you speak.
2. We added reflexive pronouns.
se=himself, herself, itself, themselves, all yourselves
When using reflexive with hay que, vale la pena, para, al, antes de, and después de (all are followed by infinitives) We must change the pronoun for the subject of the sentence.
Before you wake up: Antes de despertarte
Before I wake up: Antes de despertarme
After she wakes up: Después de despertarse
After we wake up: Después de despertarnos
If you were gone you need to practice speaking the verbs at home and have a parent sign that you did that for at least 20 min or until you were fluent with the infinitives.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Monday, November 21
Spanish II:
1. Worked on reading Spanish out loud, by breaking it up into syllables. We then reviewed the accent rule.
2. Used whiteboards and markers to practice.
3. Homework was the worksheet.
If you were gone, pick up the worksheet. Copy and paste from below if you can't get it from school. Do the worksheet. See previous posts for notes.
Rewrite each word, using lower case letters, and separating each syllable with a hyphen (-). On the syllable that you hear the stress when you read it, write those letters in Upper-case. Write the accent if the spoken stress isn’t on the second syllable from the end.
Example 1: gorro: GO-rro
Example 2: matematicas: ma-te-MA-ti-cas
1. lugares de interes: _______________________________________
2. ciudad: ________________________________________________
3. maleta:________________________________________________
4. montañas: ______________________________________________
5. museo: ________________________________________________
6. camara: ________________________________________________
7. bufanda: _______________________________________________
8. fotos: __________________________________________________
9. piramide: _______________________________________________
10. llueve: ________________________________________________
11. nieva: _________________________________________________
12. recuerdos: _____________________________________________
13. cataratas: ______________________________________________
14. guantes: _______________________________________________
15. impermeable:___________________________________________
Spanish III/IV:
1. Duel challenge for those that were here on Friday.
2. TPR-Learned actions and sounds for new verbs.
3. Challenge for Whittle Bucks with a partner.
4. Survivor challenge with another partner.
If you were gone you need to learn the gestures and sounds for all the verbs so that you understand them when Spoken in Spanish.
Below is the list of verbs we will be learning.
despertarse (e-ie)
vestirse (e-i)
acostarse (o-ue)
dormirse (o-ue)
soler (o-ue)=to be in the habit of, or to tend to
1. Worked on reading Spanish out loud, by breaking it up into syllables. We then reviewed the accent rule.
2. Used whiteboards and markers to practice.
3. Homework was the worksheet.
If you were gone, pick up the worksheet. Copy and paste from below if you can't get it from school. Do the worksheet. See previous posts for notes.
Rewrite each word, using lower case letters, and separating each syllable with a hyphen (-). On the syllable that you hear the stress when you read it, write those letters in Upper-case. Write the accent if the spoken stress isn’t on the second syllable from the end.
Example 1: gorro: GO-rro
Example 2: matematicas: ma-te-MA-ti-cas
1. lugares de interes: _______________________________________
2. ciudad: ________________________________________________
3. maleta:________________________________________________
4. montañas: ______________________________________________
5. museo: ________________________________________________
6. camara: ________________________________________________
7. bufanda: _______________________________________________
8. fotos: __________________________________________________
9. piramide: _______________________________________________
10. llueve: ________________________________________________
11. nieva: _________________________________________________
12. recuerdos: _____________________________________________
13. cataratas: ______________________________________________
14. guantes: _______________________________________________
15. impermeable:___________________________________________
Spanish III/IV:
1. Duel challenge for those that were here on Friday.
2. TPR-Learned actions and sounds for new verbs.
3. Challenge for Whittle Bucks with a partner.
4. Survivor challenge with another partner.
If you were gone you need to learn the gestures and sounds for all the verbs so that you understand them when Spoken in Spanish.
Below is the list of verbs we will be learning.
despertarse (e-ie)
vestirse (e-i)
acostarse (o-ue)
dormirse (o-ue)
soler (o-ue)=to be in the habit of, or to tend to
Friday, November 18, 2011
Friday, Novembrer 18
Spanish II:
1. Notes on vowel sounds, syllables, and accents.
Vowel Sounds:
A is pronounced similarly to the "a" in "father" or the "o" in "loft." Examples: madre, ambos, mapa.
I is pronounced similarly to the "ee" in "feet" and the "e" in "me," although usually a little briefer. Examples: finca, timbre, mi.
O is pronounced like the "oa" in "boat" or the "o" in "bone," although usually a little briefer. Example: teléfono, amo, foco.
Now, the two vowels whose sound can change:
E is generally pronounced like the "e" in "met" when it is at the beginning or within a word. It is pronounced similarly to the Canadian "eh," kind of a shortened version of the "é" in the English "café," when it is at the end of the word. Sometimes it can be somewhere between those two sounds. It's not quite the sound of the English letter "A," which if pronounced slowly often has an "ee" sound at the end, but closer to the "e" of "met." Keep in mind that even when it's at the end of the word, in a sentence it may sound more like the "e" of met. For example, in a phrase such as de vez en cuando, each e has approximately the same sound. Examples: café, compadre, embarcar, enero. See also the lesson on pronouncing the e.
U is generally pronounced like the "oo" in "boot" or the "u" in "tune." Do not pronounced it like the "u" in "uniform." Examples: universo, reunión, unidos. In the combinations gui and gue, as well as after q, the u is silent. Examples: guía, guerra, quizás. If the u should be pronounced between a g and i or e, an umlaut (also called a dieresis) is placed over it. Examples: vergüenza, lingüista. This letter is covered in more detail in the lesson on pronouncing the u.
Actually, there is a lot that goes into syllables and in Spanish III/IV we will work with strong vowels and weak vowels. Right now, we are going to create a rule that will help us read Spanish better.
1. Each syllable will have only one vowel (this isn't the real rule) unless it is a dipthong (we'll call this two vowels that make one sound). When you read long words, break it into syllables and then focus on vowel sounds. Reading becomes easy.
Written accent marks (tildes):
We will create a rule I call "the 90% rule" I call it this because if you use it, you will be right 90% of the time. (we'll learn the other 10% later).
1. Now that we break words into syllables, we can write accents when needed. Focus on the second to the last syllable and if the stress of the word happens on that syllable then we don't need to write the accent. If the stress is on any other syllable then we have to write the accent above the vowel in that syllable.
This rule doesn't work for words ending in (ar, er, ir, ol, al, or, ad)
If you were gone, take notes by hand on the three topics above, we will get practice with this on Monday.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Finished poem presentations.
If you were gone you need to do something Spanish related, like livemocha.
1. Notes on vowel sounds, syllables, and accents.
Vowel Sounds:
A is pronounced similarly to the "a" in "father" or the "o" in "loft." Examples: madre, ambos, mapa.
I is pronounced similarly to the "ee" in "feet" and the "e" in "me," although usually a little briefer. Examples: finca, timbre, mi.
O is pronounced like the "oa" in "boat" or the "o" in "bone," although usually a little briefer. Example: teléfono, amo, foco.
Now, the two vowels whose sound can change:
E is generally pronounced like the "e" in "met" when it is at the beginning or within a word. It is pronounced similarly to the Canadian "eh," kind of a shortened version of the "é" in the English "café," when it is at the end of the word. Sometimes it can be somewhere between those two sounds. It's not quite the sound of the English letter "A," which if pronounced slowly often has an "ee" sound at the end, but closer to the "e" of "met." Keep in mind that even when it's at the end of the word, in a sentence it may sound more like the "e" of met. For example, in a phrase such as de vez en cuando, each e has approximately the same sound. Examples: café, compadre, embarcar, enero. See also the lesson on pronouncing the e.
U is generally pronounced like the "oo" in "boot" or the "u" in "tune." Do not pronounced it like the "u" in "uniform." Examples: universo, reunión, unidos. In the combinations gui and gue, as well as after q, the u is silent. Examples: guía, guerra, quizás. If the u should be pronounced between a g and i or e, an umlaut (also called a dieresis) is placed over it. Examples: vergüenza, lingüista. This letter is covered in more detail in the lesson on pronouncing the u.
Actually, there is a lot that goes into syllables and in Spanish III/IV we will work with strong vowels and weak vowels. Right now, we are going to create a rule that will help us read Spanish better.
1. Each syllable will have only one vowel (this isn't the real rule) unless it is a dipthong (we'll call this two vowels that make one sound). When you read long words, break it into syllables and then focus on vowel sounds. Reading becomes easy.
Written accent marks (tildes):
We will create a rule I call "the 90% rule" I call it this because if you use it, you will be right 90% of the time. (we'll learn the other 10% later).
1. Now that we break words into syllables, we can write accents when needed. Focus on the second to the last syllable and if the stress of the word happens on that syllable then we don't need to write the accent. If the stress is on any other syllable then we have to write the accent above the vowel in that syllable.
This rule doesn't work for words ending in (ar, er, ir, ol, al, or, ad)
If you were gone, take notes by hand on the three topics above, we will get practice with this on Monday.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Finished poem presentations.
If you were gone you need to do something Spanish related, like livemocha.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Thursday, November 17
Spanish II:
1. Made giant picture flash cards of the new vocabulary words and began our unit on reading out loud, syllables, and accent marks.
2. Each kid is responsible to pronounce and know the word/s that they drew, so they can teach to the class later.
If you were gone you need to study the list for 20 min. and have a parent sign.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Poem Presentation and coffee house reading.
If you were gone you need to do something Spanish related to make up the day.
1. Made giant picture flash cards of the new vocabulary words and began our unit on reading out loud, syllables, and accent marks.
2. Each kid is responsible to pronounce and know the word/s that they drew, so they can teach to the class later.
If you were gone you need to study the list for 20 min. and have a parent sign.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Poem Presentation and coffee house reading.
If you were gone you need to do something Spanish related to make up the day.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Wednesday, November 16

Spanish II:
1. Vocab List. 40 words in English, that you put into Spanish.
2. Story: Las Vacacciones terribles.
a. Read Story
b. Do the comprehension section. Reorder the story.
c. Translate story to English on a separate piece of paper.
If you were gone, do the above work. If you are out of school, please collect from the office.
Spanish III/IV:
1. El Mirador field trip.
2. If you stayed behind, you will take a review test and translate.
No one was gone!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Monday, November 14
Spanish II:
1. Entry Task: Actions to Spoken Spanish
2. Verb Challenge Writing Task
If you were gone, you need to see Thursday's post and pick five squares (different squares if you were gone on Thursday) and do the same rules as Thursday.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Final Peer Edit, writing workshop packet.
If you were gone you must do the last three sections of the poem packet.
1. Entry Task: Actions to Spoken Spanish
2. Verb Challenge Writing Task
If you were gone, you need to see Thursday's post and pick five squares (different squares if you were gone on Thursday) and do the same rules as Thursday.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Final Peer Edit, writing workshop packet.
If you were gone you must do the last three sections of the poem packet.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Thursday, November 10

Spanish II:
Verb Challenge
If you were gone you need to pick up the verb challenge worksheet and pick five of the squares to write compete sentences, in Spanish. Minimum of 7 words not including the subjects.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Writing workshop
If you were gone, you need to work on poem and do something Spanish related.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Wednesday, November 9
Spanish II:
1.Challenge with new verbs
Signs and gestures for verbs.
See post for Nov. 2 to know the verbs to study. Study for 20 minutes and have parent sign.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Writing workshop
If you were gone you need to work on your poem and do something Spanish related.
1.Challenge with new verbs
Signs and gestures for verbs.
See post for Nov. 2 to know the verbs to study. Study for 20 minutes and have parent sign.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Writing workshop
If you were gone you need to work on your poem and do something Spanish related.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Tuesday, November 8
Spanish II:
1. Sweet 15
2. Some classes skyped with Andrea from Colombia.
If you were gone you need to do something Spanish related, like livemocha.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Sal, Sal si puedes song Challenge
2. Skype with native speaker from Colombia.
3. Writing workshop: peer edit.
If you were gone you need to learn the song, and work on your poem.
1. Sweet 15
2. Some classes skyped with Andrea from Colombia.
If you were gone you need to do something Spanish related, like livemocha.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Sal, Sal si puedes song Challenge
2. Skype with native speaker from Colombia.
3. Writing workshop: peer edit.
If you were gone you need to learn the song, and work on your poem.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Monday, November 7
Spanish II:
1. Watched Sweet 15 part II
2. Filled out the packet.
If you were gone you need to to a complete lesson from and submit it to me.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Listening activity with Shrek
If you were gone do a (complete lesson) and submit it to me.
Spanish II:
1. Watched Sweet 15 part II
2. Filled out the packet.
If you were gone you need to to a complete lesson from and submit it to me.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Listening activity with Shrek
If you were gone do a (complete lesson) and submit it to me.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Friday, November 4
Spanish II:
1. Sweet 15 part one.
2. Packet
If you were gone you need to do a (complete lesson) and submit it to me.
Spanish III/IV:
1. finished rough draft of poems.
If you were gone you need to turn your poem in, and do a complete livemocha lesson and submit it to me.
1. Sweet 15 part one.
2. Packet
If you were gone you need to do a (complete lesson) and submit it to me.
Spanish III/IV:
1. finished rough draft of poems.
If you were gone you need to turn your poem in, and do a complete livemocha lesson and submit it to me.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Thursday, November 3
Spanish II:
1. Continued the story about Paco from Costa Rica.
If you were gone you need to do a complete lesson and submit it to me.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Worked on poems in lab.
If you were gone you need to work on your poem with your partner.
1. Continued the story about Paco from Costa Rica.
If you were gone you need to do a complete lesson and submit it to me.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Worked on poems in lab.
If you were gone you need to work on your poem with your partner.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Wednesday, November 2
Spanish II:
TPR with new verbs.
Used smartboard for the challenge.
If you were gone you need to translate and study the verbs below and have a parent sign that you studied them.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Library working on poems.
If you were gone, do a complete lesson.
TPR with new verbs.
Used smartboard for the challenge.
If you were gone you need to translate and study the verbs below and have a parent sign that you studied them.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Library working on poems.
If you were gone, do a complete lesson.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Tuesday, November 1
Spanish II:
1. TPR with new verbs.
2. Learned new sounds and gestures.
If you were gone you need to translate and study the verbs below and have a parent sign that you studied them.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Sal, sal si puedes song. Learn and memorize all irregular commands.
2. Worked on poems.
If you were gone you need to learn the song below.
Sal, sal si puedes.
Vete de aquí
Haz, haz el contrario
Ven, ven si
Sé bueno contigo
Y con tu amigo
Si estás enojado
Ten cuidado
Di, dime que puedes
Pon fe en ti
Y nunca te olvides
Te quiero sí
Te quiero sí
1. TPR with new verbs.
2. Learned new sounds and gestures.
If you were gone you need to translate and study the verbs below and have a parent sign that you studied them.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Sal, sal si puedes song. Learn and memorize all irregular commands.
2. Worked on poems.
If you were gone you need to learn the song below.
Sal, sal si puedes.
Vete de aquí
Haz, haz el contrario
Ven, ven si
Sé bueno contigo
Y con tu amigo
Si estás enojado
Ten cuidado
Di, dime que puedes
Pon fe en ti
Y nunca te olvides
Te quiero sí
Te quiero sí
Thursday, October 27, 2011
October 26 Span. 2 finished tests. If you were gone, make it up. Span III,IV Jordan came in and we tested on music. If you were gone work on your song.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Tuesday, October 25
Spanish II:
1. Test/Interviews.
2. Shrek listening activity.
If you were gone you need to finish your test. If you already have, just fill out the yellow make up form and write that you finished your test and turn in the paper.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Song of the day.
2. Quick review of the accent rule.
If the spoken stress fall on the second to the last syllable there is no need to write an accent mark. If it falls anywhere else, then you write it. (uneless it ends in ol or il.)
3. Challenge with whiteboards and darts.
If you were gone you need to go to the following website, copy down notes by hand, then take the basic quiz listed under lesson 93 (a) Print out the completed quiz and staple to the yellow page with your notes.
1. Test/Interviews.
2. Shrek listening activity.
If you were gone you need to finish your test. If you already have, just fill out the yellow make up form and write that you finished your test and turn in the paper.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Song of the day.
2. Quick review of the accent rule.
If the spoken stress fall on the second to the last syllable there is no need to write an accent mark. If it falls anywhere else, then you write it. (uneless it ends in ol or il.)
3. Challenge with whiteboards and darts.
If you were gone you need to go to the following website, copy down notes by hand, then take the basic quiz listed under lesson 93 (a) Print out the completed quiz and staple to the yellow page with your notes.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Monday, October 24
Spanish II:
1. Interviews/ Finished reading, writing test.
If you were gone you need to make up the test by Wednesday.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Song of the day. Héroe by Enrique Iglesias.
2. Finished and emailed lyrics in the Computer Lab.
If you were gone you need to get me the lyrics.
1. Interviews/ Finished reading, writing test.
If you were gone you need to make up the test by Wednesday.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Song of the day. Héroe by Enrique Iglesias.
2. Finished and emailed lyrics in the Computer Lab.
If you were gone you need to get me the lyrics.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Friday, October 21
Spanish II:
1. Interviews for the Test/reading and writing section.
If you were gone you need to make up your test by the day we finish the test.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Song of the day.
2. You need to email me your lyrics by Monday. (
3. Began a challenge with whiteboards.
If you were gone see yesterdays make up work. If you were gone both days, you need to create five more of your own following that model. Write the English ones first and then turn them into Spanish. If you just missed yesterday, then you need only do yesterdays assignment.
1. Interviews for the Test/reading and writing section.
If you were gone you need to make up your test by the day we finish the test.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Song of the day.
2. You need to email me your lyrics by Monday. (
3. Began a challenge with whiteboards.
If you were gone see yesterdays make up work. If you were gone both days, you need to create five more of your own following that model. Write the English ones first and then turn them into Spanish. If you just missed yesterday, then you need only do yesterdays assignment.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Thursday, October 20
Spanish II:
1. Finished interview review.
2. Reading section #1 of the test.
If you were gone you need to schedule a time to take this part of the test, on the calendar. It will take around 15-20 minutes to complete.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Song of the day.
2. Whiteboard activity with commands and dop's with accent marks.
If you were gone you need to translate the following to Spanish:
Pick up the box! Pick it up!
Recoge la caja! Recógela!
1. Recycle the can! Recycle it!
2. Separate the glass and the aluminum! Separate them!
3. Reduce the factories! Reduce them!
1. Finished interview review.
2. Reading section #1 of the test.
If you were gone you need to schedule a time to take this part of the test, on the calendar. It will take around 15-20 minutes to complete.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Song of the day.
2. Whiteboard activity with commands and dop's with accent marks.
If you were gone you need to translate the following to Spanish:
Pick up the box! Pick it up!
Recoge la caja! Recógela!
1. Recycle the can! Recycle it!
2. Separate the glass and the aluminum! Separate them!
3. Reduce the factories! Reduce them!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Wednesday, October 19
Spanish II:
1. Finished our interview review. See yesterdays post for practice instructions.
2. Took the listening portion of the test.
3. One person modeled the interview and we graded as a class.
If you were gone you need to schedule a time on the calendar before the end of class today to make up the listening portion of the test.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Song/Artist
2. Shared a couple of songs.
3. Flash card study with a partner.
4. Scategories challenge.
If you were gone you need to study your cards for twenty minutes and have a parent sign.
1. Finished our interview review. See yesterdays post for practice instructions.
2. Took the listening portion of the test.
3. One person modeled the interview and we graded as a class.
If you were gone you need to schedule a time on the calendar before the end of class today to make up the listening portion of the test.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Song/Artist
2. Shared a couple of songs.
3. Flash card study with a partner.
4. Scategories challenge.
If you were gone you need to study your cards for twenty minutes and have a parent sign.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Tuesday, October 18
Spanish II:
We practiced our interview questions. I would ask the question, and you would answer to a partner. The partner would write what you said, and then we would look at it as a class. STUDY FLASH CARDS to get better at understanding each word and processing them quicker.
Below are all the interview questions:
Sample interview questions that will be on the test. You will have to be able to read, write, speak, and listen and understand these phrases in Spanish.
¿Cómo te queda(n)? Me queda(n) bien.
¿Cuánto cuesta(n)? Cuesta(n) veinte dólares.
, ¿Dónde compraste esa blusa azul? La compré en la tienda de ropa.
¿Cuándo compraste tus pantalones cortos rosados? Los compré hace dos días.
The last one I will give you the English and you will translate.
Estos vestidos negros cuestan diez dólares.
If you were gone you need to study your flash cards, and then practice the above questions and answering in complete sentences. FOCUS ON THE MEANING OF THE WORDS, IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THEM, YOU WILL NEVER DO WELL WITH THIS ACTIVITY... GUESSING DOESN'T WORK! Parents sign with a note of what you did.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Homework assignment is to come up with three choices of songs you want to learn. Make sure you write them down along with the artist. '
2. Shrek II verb translation challenge. Finish tomorrow.
If you were gone you need to get the translations from a friend.
We practiced our interview questions. I would ask the question, and you would answer to a partner. The partner would write what you said, and then we would look at it as a class. STUDY FLASH CARDS to get better at understanding each word and processing them quicker.
Below are all the interview questions:
Sample interview questions that will be on the test. You will have to be able to read, write, speak, and listen and understand these phrases in Spanish.
¿Cómo te queda(n)? Me queda(n) bien.
¿Cuánto cuesta(n)? Cuesta(n) veinte dólares.
, ¿Dónde compraste esa blusa azul? La compré en la tienda de ropa.
¿Cuándo compraste tus pantalones cortos rosados? Los compré hace dos días.
The last one I will give you the English and you will translate.
Estos vestidos negros cuestan diez dólares.
If you were gone you need to study your flash cards, and then practice the above questions and answering in complete sentences. FOCUS ON THE MEANING OF THE WORDS, IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THEM, YOU WILL NEVER DO WELL WITH THIS ACTIVITY... GUESSING DOESN'T WORK! Parents sign with a note of what you did.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Homework assignment is to come up with three choices of songs you want to learn. Make sure you write them down along with the artist. '
2. Shrek II verb translation challenge. Finish tomorrow.
If you were gone you need to get the translations from a friend.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Monday, October 17
Spanish II:
1. Reviewed projects.
2. Project feedback.
3. 34/50 and below is a redo.
If you were gone you need to check you score and if you got a 35 or better then you can study flash cards to make up your day, have parents sign. If you got below 35 you need to rewrite all the sentences correctly as well as study flashcards and have parents sign.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Collected you poem packets to check for #2.
2. Shrek II packet. Identified all the verbs and how to translate them.
3. Translate challenge
If you were gone, turn in your packet, and get a copy of someone's Shrek packet and highlight each verb.
1. Reviewed projects.
2. Project feedback.
3. 34/50 and below is a redo.
If you were gone you need to check you score and if you got a 35 or better then you can study flash cards to make up your day, have parents sign. If you got below 35 you need to rewrite all the sentences correctly as well as study flashcards and have parents sign.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Collected you poem packets to check for #2.
2. Shrek II packet. Identified all the verbs and how to translate them.
3. Translate challenge
If you were gone, turn in your packet, and get a copy of someone's Shrek packet and highlight each verb.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Friday, October 14
Spanish II:
1. Costa Rica Video with notes.
2. Three question essay due on Monday.
If you were gone you need to come after school today or tomorrow to watch the video, and do the essay questions. You may not do the essay questions until you watch the video.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Took the Shrek II packet and highlighted all the verbs. Used the "text book" to translated the verbs.
If you were gone you need to do that.
1. Costa Rica Video with notes.
2. Three question essay due on Monday.
If you were gone you need to come after school today or tomorrow to watch the video, and do the essay questions. You may not do the essay questions until you watch the video.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Took the Shrek II packet and highlighted all the verbs. Used the "text book" to translated the verbs.
If you were gone you need to do that.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Thursday, October 13
Spanish II:
1. Interview Practice
2. Presentation of projects (if time)
If you were gone, study flash cards for twenty minutes and have parents sign.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Shrek II packet translation challenge.
2. Translation challenge.
If you were gone you need to get with a partner and translate the words that we translated as a class.
1. Interview Practice
2. Presentation of projects (if time)
If you were gone, study flash cards for twenty minutes and have parents sign.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Shrek II packet translation challenge.
2. Translation challenge.
If you were gone you need to get with a partner and translate the words that we translated as a class.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Wednesday, October 12
Spanish II:
1. Flash card grab game.
2. Spanish side up.
3. Read Spanish when given verbal cue.
If you were gone, have a parent quiz you on the words. They need to read the English and you need to say the Spanish. Have parent write a note, describing what you did and how long you did it.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Poem Packet Quiz
If you were gone you need to read the packet, circle the words you don't understand, and then schedule a time to take the quiz.
1. Flash card grab game.
2. Spanish side up.
3. Read Spanish when given verbal cue.
If you were gone, have a parent quiz you on the words. They need to read the English and you need to say the Spanish. Have parent write a note, describing what you did and how long you did it.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Poem Packet Quiz
If you were gone you need to read the packet, circle the words you don't understand, and then schedule a time to take the quiz.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Tuesday, October 11
Spanish II:
1. Flash card grab game.
2. English side up.
3. Understand spoken Spanish.
If you were gone you need to study flash cards for twenty minutes and have a parent sign.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Around the world vocabulary challenge.
2. Diamond Poem review.
3. Research an animal that is endangered for new poem.
4. Writing workshop introduction/reading activity. Did #1 of the packet.
If you were gone, do the above activity.
1. Flash card grab game.
2. English side up.
3. Understand spoken Spanish.
If you were gone you need to study flash cards for twenty minutes and have a parent sign.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Around the world vocabulary challenge.
2. Diamond Poem review.
3. Research an animal that is endangered for new poem.
4. Writing workshop introduction/reading activity. Did #1 of the packet.
If you were gone, do the above activity.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Monday, October 10
Spanish II:
1. Quiz Remediation activity.
a. Translation of quiz for meaning.
b. Fixing agreement and syntax
If you were gone you need to pick up the activity and your quiz. Complete it following the given instructions.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Diamond Poem/Lecture and notes.
2. Computer lab
If you were gone, pick up the diamond poem notes and complete a diamond poem.
1. Quiz Remediation activity.
a. Translation of quiz for meaning.
b. Fixing agreement and syntax
If you were gone you need to pick up the activity and your quiz. Complete it following the given instructions.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Diamond Poem/Lecture and notes.
2. Computer lab
If you were gone, pick up the diamond poem notes and complete a diamond poem.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Friday, October 7
Spanish II:
1. Had a textbook check. If you didn't have it in class then you received a pagame. I usually do checks before we need them in class. Again, you are expected to have them in class daily.
2. Homework check. Did you complete the flash cards?
3. Five minutes to talk with your group to define words you couldn't at home.
4. Class asked about words they couldn't define as a group.
5. Cut out flashcards.
6. Self study: Read Spanish side and then say English word. Two piles. One pile for those you could do, and one for those you couldn't. Discard the ones you know and study the ones you didn't until you know them. Then flip them over, you will read the English side and say the Spanish word/phrase out loud. Two piles again. Same directions.
7. Short challenge against a partner for Whittle bucks.
If you were gone you need to show me your "text book" and completed flash cards. Then do #6 above at home, have a parent sign that you did it.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Grab game with markers. Spanish to English then English to Spanish.
First vote off.
If you were gone you need to study your flashcards for 20 min, parents sign.
1. Had a textbook check. If you didn't have it in class then you received a pagame. I usually do checks before we need them in class. Again, you are expected to have them in class daily.
2. Homework check. Did you complete the flash cards?
3. Five minutes to talk with your group to define words you couldn't at home.
4. Class asked about words they couldn't define as a group.
5. Cut out flashcards.
6. Self study: Read Spanish side and then say English word. Two piles. One pile for those you could do, and one for those you couldn't. Discard the ones you know and study the ones you didn't until you know them. Then flip them over, you will read the English side and say the Spanish word/phrase out loud. Two piles again. Same directions.
7. Short challenge against a partner for Whittle bucks.
If you were gone you need to show me your "text book" and completed flash cards. Then do #6 above at home, have a parent sign that you did it.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Grab game with markers. Spanish to English then English to Spanish.
First vote off.
If you were gone you need to study your flashcards for 20 min, parents sign.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Thursday, October 6
Spanish II:
1. Got a list in English. Self quiz.
2. Homework is to make flashitos. Need to get 4 sheets, copy the English on one side, then the translation in Spanish on the other side.
3. Took a real quiz.
If you were gone PAY ATTENTION to the rest of this post! You need to get the list, make the flashitos, and you have until Oct. 13 to come in and make up the quiz. Please SIGN up on the calendar NOW.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Flashitos challenge with paquete challenge.
If you were gone, study flashcards for 20 min or until you know them from English to Spanish. Parent sign.
1. Got a list in English. Self quiz.
2. Homework is to make flashitos. Need to get 4 sheets, copy the English on one side, then the translation in Spanish on the other side.
3. Took a real quiz.
If you were gone PAY ATTENTION to the rest of this post! You need to get the list, make the flashitos, and you have until Oct. 13 to come in and make up the quiz. Please SIGN up on the calendar NOW.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Flashitos challenge with paquete challenge.
If you were gone, study flashcards for 20 min or until you know them from English to Spanish. Parent sign.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Wednesday, October 5
Spanish II:
1. Writing workshop with projects.
2. Turned projects in.
If you were gone, I will not accept your project until you make up the writing workshop. Make up day will be after school on Friday the 7th.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Music and Dance...Salsa and Cumbia.
Google/youtube both dances and music. Listen for at least 1/2 hour. Parent sign.
1. Writing workshop with projects.
2. Turned projects in.
If you were gone, I will not accept your project until you make up the writing workshop. Make up day will be after school on Friday the 7th.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Music and Dance...Salsa and Cumbia.
Google/youtube both dances and music. Listen for at least 1/2 hour. Parent sign.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Tuesday, October 4
Substitute teacher today. Mr. Seaman
Spanish II:
1. Worked on the project. If you were gone yesterday, it is due tomorrow when you walk into class. It is your job to get it stamped. No stamp means no credit at all.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Picked up a list for flash cards.
2. Picked up paper for flash cards.
3. Made flash cards.
If you were gone, do the above activity.
Spanish II:
1. Worked on the project. If you were gone yesterday, it is due tomorrow when you walk into class. It is your job to get it stamped. No stamp means no credit at all.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Picked up a list for flash cards.
2. Picked up paper for flash cards.
3. Made flash cards.
If you were gone, do the above activity.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Monday, October 3
Spanish II:
1. Worked on project. If you were gone, you need to finish it tonight. Due tomorrow.
Spanish III/IV:
We had the first of our two music/culture lessons. We looked at Flamenco and Merengue.
If you were gone you need to research both of these types of music/dance. Watch youtube videos on both types. Parents sign.
1. Worked on project. If you were gone, you need to finish it tonight. Due tomorrow.
Spanish III/IV:
We had the first of our two music/culture lessons. We looked at Flamenco and Merengue.
If you were gone you need to research both of these types of music/dance. Watch youtube videos on both types. Parents sign.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Friday, September 30
Spanish II:
1. Began working on our project. Used the computers from the mobile lab. Every class worked well and as a result, you will receive class time on Monday. If that goes well, then you will have class time on Tuesday to finish.
If you were gone, you need to write out the 19 sentences tonight. Show me tomorrow.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Verb/Tense Challenge.
If you were gone you need to get the list of words we created from someone, copy it, down. Then you will change the tense.
The notes said, "Protege=Protect!"
This is command, so you will change it to present tense....Proteges=you protect.
1. Began working on our project. Used the computers from the mobile lab. Every class worked well and as a result, you will receive class time on Monday. If that goes well, then you will have class time on Tuesday to finish.
If you were gone, you need to write out the 19 sentences tonight. Show me tomorrow.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Verb/Tense Challenge.
If you were gone you need to get the list of words we created from someone, copy it, down. Then you will change the tense.
The notes said, "Protege=Protect!"
This is command, so you will change it to present tense....Proteges=you protect.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Thursday, September 29
Spanish II:
1. Did a story that tied into both the story about Paco and the following project. If you were gone you need to get a copy of the project. Read it. As you read it, circle the words you don't understand. This will explain the project. Below is a copy of the project. You can copy and paste to a word document if you lose your other copy.
Eres un diseñador de ropa recién graduado del Instituto de Arte en Seattle. Quieres ser famoso y hay un desfile de moda en Costa Rica para los diseñadores más famosos en todo el mundo donde venden la ropa. Para ganar un lugar en este desfile de moda, necesitas entrar tus diseños de ropa en una competencia. Si ganas esta competencia, vas a poder entrar esos diseños en el desfile de moda en Costa Rica.
Como parte de los requisitos de la competencia, tienes que diseñar la siguiente ropa e incluir los costos de toda la ropa y como les va a quedar (necesitas numerar los artículos):
1. Una blusa (this)
2. Unos calcetines (those)
3. Una camisa (that)
4. Una camiseta (That)
5. Una chaqueta (This)
6. Una falda (This)
7. Unos jeans (Those)
8. Unos pantalones (These)
9. Unos pantalones cortos (these)
10. Una sudadera (this)
11. Unos tenis (these)
12. Un vestido (that)
13. Unos zapatos (Those)
14. Un suéter (This)
15. Unas corbatas (these)
16. Unas pijamas (those)
17. Unas sandalias (these)
18. Un cinturón (That)
19. Un traje (this)
Necesitas ser muy creativo con la presentación de los diseños. Puedes hacer un portafolio, catálogo, un móvil, o lo que sea. Puedes dibujar y colorear la ropa o puedes imprimir fotos de “Google images” o cortarlos de una revista.
Vas a incluir frases describiendo en color, y el costo de cada artículo de ropa. Usando (este, esta, estos, estas, ese, esa, esos, esas).
(Picture of Belt here)
18. Este cinturón rojo cuesta veintitrés mil colones y te queda bien.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Took the clicker quiz about verbs and tenses.
2. Went over the quiz.
If you were gone, you have until October 6th to have scheduled a time on the calendar and to have made it up.
1. Did a story that tied into both the story about Paco and the following project. If you were gone you need to get a copy of the project. Read it. As you read it, circle the words you don't understand. This will explain the project. Below is a copy of the project. You can copy and paste to a word document if you lose your other copy.
Eres un diseñador de ropa recién graduado del Instituto de Arte en Seattle. Quieres ser famoso y hay un desfile de moda en Costa Rica para los diseñadores más famosos en todo el mundo donde venden la ropa. Para ganar un lugar en este desfile de moda, necesitas entrar tus diseños de ropa en una competencia. Si ganas esta competencia, vas a poder entrar esos diseños en el desfile de moda en Costa Rica.
Como parte de los requisitos de la competencia, tienes que diseñar la siguiente ropa e incluir los costos de toda la ropa y como les va a quedar (necesitas numerar los artículos):
1. Una blusa (this)
2. Unos calcetines (those)
3. Una camisa (that)
4. Una camiseta (That)
5. Una chaqueta (This)
6. Una falda (This)
7. Unos jeans (Those)
8. Unos pantalones (These)
9. Unos pantalones cortos (these)
10. Una sudadera (this)
11. Unos tenis (these)
12. Un vestido (that)
13. Unos zapatos (Those)
14. Un suéter (This)
15. Unas corbatas (these)
16. Unas pijamas (those)
17. Unas sandalias (these)
18. Un cinturón (That)
19. Un traje (this)
Necesitas ser muy creativo con la presentación de los diseños. Puedes hacer un portafolio, catálogo, un móvil, o lo que sea. Puedes dibujar y colorear la ropa o puedes imprimir fotos de “Google images” o cortarlos de una revista.
Vas a incluir frases describiendo en color, y el costo de cada artículo de ropa. Usando (este, esta, estos, estas, ese, esa, esos, esas).
(Picture of Belt here)
18. Este cinturón rojo cuesta veintitrés mil colones y te queda bien.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Took the clicker quiz about verbs and tenses.
2. Went over the quiz.
If you were gone, you have until October 6th to have scheduled a time on the calendar and to have made it up.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Wednesday, September 28
1. Clothing activity.
We made 8 cards.
Remember that there are two ways to say each word because of the masculine/feminine Spanish thing.
A. I would first speak Spanish and when you heard me say one of the words you would find it and hold it up.
The goal was to become fluent with this phrase: Obviously exchanging the word "this" for the other seven words above.
This purple blouse costs 500 colones, it (doesn't) (fit)s you good.
Esta blusa morada cuesta quinientos colones. No te queada bien.
B. I went through the boxes of clothes. If you brought something, please pick it up. After today, everything will be taken to good will. While I went through the clothes, we would practice A. Eventually I would hold up the clothes and you would find the card with the word I would say first. For example: If I held the blouse away from me we would hold up the card "esa" because we are trying to say "that" and blouse is feminine.
C. We then spoke the sentences above as I continued to pull different items out of the box.
D. We then had a challenge where we would see who could be the first to find the card when I pulled something out of the box.
If you were gone you need to write a sentence, in Spanish, for each of the eight words above. Use the model in "A" above to help. Remember agreement and syntax.
Spanish III/IV:
1. We were going to take our quiz and work on our challenge, but we had a major technologically challenged day. The smart board software crashed a bunch of times and we couldn't get through half the quiz in the period.
If you were gone, consider it a very fortunate day for you. Tell me you love my class in Spanish and act like it!
We made 8 cards.
Remember that there are two ways to say each word because of the masculine/feminine Spanish thing.
A. I would first speak Spanish and when you heard me say one of the words you would find it and hold it up.
The goal was to become fluent with this phrase: Obviously exchanging the word "this" for the other seven words above.
This purple blouse costs 500 colones, it (doesn't) (fit)s you good.
Esta blusa morada cuesta quinientos colones. No te queada bien.
B. I went through the boxes of clothes. If you brought something, please pick it up. After today, everything will be taken to good will. While I went through the clothes, we would practice A. Eventually I would hold up the clothes and you would find the card with the word I would say first. For example: If I held the blouse away from me we would hold up the card "esa" because we are trying to say "that" and blouse is feminine.
C. We then spoke the sentences above as I continued to pull different items out of the box.
D. We then had a challenge where we would see who could be the first to find the card when I pulled something out of the box.
If you were gone you need to write a sentence, in Spanish, for each of the eight words above. Use the model in "A" above to help. Remember agreement and syntax.
Spanish III/IV:
1. We were going to take our quiz and work on our challenge, but we had a major technologically challenged day. The smart board software crashed a bunch of times and we couldn't get through half the quiz in the period.
If you were gone, consider it a very fortunate day for you. Tell me you love my class in Spanish and act like it!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Tuesday, September 27
Spanish II
1. Finish verb-tense challenge.
If you were gone translate the following.
1. You looked for
2. You look for
3. It fits me
4. It fit me
5. They fit you
Spanish III-IV
1. Practice quiz with verbs and tenses, mandato, imperfecto, preterito, presente.
2. Began challenge using smart board spinners.
If you were gone you need to schedule a time to make up the quiz.
1. Finish verb-tense challenge.
If you were gone translate the following.
1. You looked for
2. You look for
3. It fits me
4. It fit me
5. They fit you
Spanish III-IV
1. Practice quiz with verbs and tenses, mandato, imperfecto, preterito, presente.
2. Began challenge using smart board spinners.
If you were gone you need to schedule a time to make up the quiz.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Monday, September 26
Spanish One:
1. Conjugation challenge with:
quedar, comprar, vender, buscar, pagar, querer, llevar, tener.
Past and Present tenses.
If you were gone you need to translate the following.
It fits her.
They fit me.
I bought
You sold
I buy
You sell
They pay
They paid
1. Conjugation challenge with:
quedar, comprar, vender, buscar, pagar, querer, llevar, tener.
Past and Present tenses.
If you were gone you need to translate the following.
It fits her.
They fit me.
I bought
You sold
I buy
You sell
They pay
They paid
Friday, September 23, 2011
Friday, September 23
Spanish II:
1. Notes on quedar.
queda = it fits
Quedan = they fit
Who do they fit?
le=him, her, you (f)
les=them, you all
Me they fit= me quedan
you it fits= te queda
If you are gone, translate the following.
1. Me queda
2. Te quedan
3. Nos queda
4. Les queda
5. Le quedan
6. They fit us
7. They fit me
8. It fits her.
9. It fits him.
10 They fit you(f).
1. Notes on quedar.
queda = it fits
Quedan = they fit
Who do they fit?
le=him, her, you (f)
les=them, you all
Me they fit= me quedan
you it fits= te queda
If you are gone, translate the following.
1. Me queda
2. Te quedan
3. Nos queda
4. Les queda
5. Le quedan
6. They fit us
7. They fit me
8. It fits her.
9. It fits him.
10 They fit you(f).
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Thursday, September 22
Spanish II:
1. We did a worksheet focusing on understanding the whole sentence, then recognizing if we can change the noun in the sentence to either, (lo, la=it, him, her, or los, las = them).
LaFawduh tiene un carro.
LaFawduh has a car.
What does she have?
A car.
Can I change that to (it, him, her, or them) and have it still make sense?
Yes, I can say...
LaFawnduh has it.
Now that I know that I will replace "car" with "it" I know it will be either lo, la.
Let's look at the Spanish word. Un carro. I want to know if the item is masculine, feminine, singular, or plural. I do this by looking at both "un" and "carro" They are both masculine and singular, so the "it" I will chose will be masculine and singular as well. Lo is our choice.
Now we worry about syntax.
Lawfawnduh it she how we would word it in English using Spanish syntax.
LaFawnduh lo tiene. Is the final answer.
If you were gone you need to take notes from above and write them on the notes portion of the homework makeup form. You will then pick up the worksheet and complete it.
Special worksheet instructions:
1. Read the whole sentence and use a dictionary or google translate to figure out words you don't know.
2. Decide if you can change the bolded words to (it, him, her, or them).
3. Decide which form of that word you would use (lo, la, los, las)
4. Write that word in the small line right beside the sentence.
5. In the long lines below, rewrite each sentence, leaving out the bolded words and replacing it with the (lo, la, los, las).
6. Remember syntax. The lo, la, los, or las will alway go directly infront of the verb.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Same as yesterday.
If you were gone you need to create ten more sentences of your own using command an vocabulary.
1. We did a worksheet focusing on understanding the whole sentence, then recognizing if we can change the noun in the sentence to either, (lo, la=it, him, her, or los, las = them).
LaFawduh tiene un carro.
LaFawduh has a car.
What does she have?
A car.
Can I change that to (it, him, her, or them) and have it still make sense?
Yes, I can say...
LaFawnduh has it.
Now that I know that I will replace "car" with "it" I know it will be either lo, la.
Let's look at the Spanish word. Un carro. I want to know if the item is masculine, feminine, singular, or plural. I do this by looking at both "un" and "carro" They are both masculine and singular, so the "it" I will chose will be masculine and singular as well. Lo is our choice.
Now we worry about syntax.
Lawfawnduh it she how we would word it in English using Spanish syntax.
LaFawnduh lo tiene. Is the final answer.
If you were gone you need to take notes from above and write them on the notes portion of the homework makeup form. You will then pick up the worksheet and complete it.
Special worksheet instructions:
1. Read the whole sentence and use a dictionary or google translate to figure out words you don't know.
2. Decide if you can change the bolded words to (it, him, her, or them).
3. Decide which form of that word you would use (lo, la, los, las)
4. Write that word in the small line right beside the sentence.
5. In the long lines below, rewrite each sentence, leaving out the bolded words and replacing it with the (lo, la, los, las).
6. Remember syntax. The lo, la, los, or las will alway go directly infront of the verb.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Same as yesterday.
If you were gone you need to create ten more sentences of your own using command an vocabulary.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Wednesday, September 21
Spanish II:
1. Vocab Quiz. You have until the 29th of September to make it up for full credit.
2. Used the vocabulary from the quiz to learn
This= este, esta
These= estos, estas
That = ese, esa
Those= esos, esas
You need to learn the rhyme: This and these have the "T's" that and those...don't. Okay, it doesn't all rhyme, but it will help you remember them.
If you were gone translate the following:
Esta blusa roja cuesta dos mil colones.
Estas camisetas amariilas cuestan diez mil quinientos colones.
Ese vestido negro cuesta veinticinco mil dos cientos noventa y tres colones.
Esos pantalones cortos anarajados cuestan once mil tres cienteos setenta y cinco colones.
Este cinturón azul cuesta quinientos colones.
Esa chaqueta verde cuesta quince mil colones.
Estos suéteres marones cuestan ocho mil seiscientos ocho colones.
Esas pantimedias moradas cuestan mil colones.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Dart board challenge with the goal to use commands and DOPs (lo, la, los, las)
2. I would do an action and then hold up a vocabulary prop. For example, I would do the gesture for "separar" then I would hold up madera and botellas. The first person to say, sepáralas, won a dart throw. This is a two day challenge.
If you were gone you need to practice saying the following, using the example as a template...then write them down to prove you did it. Speaking is the most important part.
1. apagar, las luces = apágalas (did this for you)
2. formar, la tierra
3. reciclar, el cartón
4. usar, las bicicletas
5. conservar, la energía
6. reducir, el uso de las fábricas
7. montar, el transporte público
8. poner, la caja
9. ser, un oso
10. recoger, la vaca
1. Vocab Quiz. You have until the 29th of September to make it up for full credit.
2. Used the vocabulary from the quiz to learn
This= este, esta
These= estos, estas
That = ese, esa
Those= esos, esas
You need to learn the rhyme: This and these have the "T's" that and those...don't. Okay, it doesn't all rhyme, but it will help you remember them.
If you were gone translate the following:
Esta blusa roja cuesta dos mil colones.
Estas camisetas amariilas cuestan diez mil quinientos colones.
Ese vestido negro cuesta veinticinco mil dos cientos noventa y tres colones.
Esos pantalones cortos anarajados cuestan once mil tres cienteos setenta y cinco colones.
Este cinturón azul cuesta quinientos colones.
Esa chaqueta verde cuesta quince mil colones.
Estos suéteres marones cuestan ocho mil seiscientos ocho colones.
Esas pantimedias moradas cuestan mil colones.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Dart board challenge with the goal to use commands and DOPs (lo, la, los, las)
2. I would do an action and then hold up a vocabulary prop. For example, I would do the gesture for "separar" then I would hold up madera and botellas. The first person to say, sepáralas, won a dart throw. This is a two day challenge.
If you were gone you need to practice saying the following, using the example as a template...then write them down to prove you did it. Speaking is the most important part.
1. apagar, las luces = apágalas (did this for you)
2. formar, la tierra
3. reciclar, el cartón
4. usar, las bicicletas
5. conservar, la energía
6. reducir, el uso de las fábricas
7. montar, el transporte público
8. poner, la caja
9. ser, un oso
10. recoger, la vaca
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Tuesday, September 20
Spanish II:
1. Played "Vete de pesca"
2. Goal was to use our Spanish from yesterday to get fluent using lo, la, los, las.
If you were gone, please see yesterdays post and do that assignment to make up your day.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Reviewed vocabulary words by doing Quién tiene_______? Lo,la, los, las, tengo... in a circle.
2. Then we put the vocab items in the center of the room. We pointed as I spoke.
3. Then I pointed while the class spoke.
4. Then we threw "pee wee" at the pile and the class named the items the the stick was touching.
5. We then had a challenge to see who could grab the item from the pile the fastest after I said the word.
If you were gone you need to study the list from the previous post that has the list of Spanish III/IV words. Teach to a parent and have them sign that you know them.
1. Played "Vete de pesca"
2. Goal was to use our Spanish from yesterday to get fluent using lo, la, los, las.
If you were gone, please see yesterdays post and do that assignment to make up your day.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Reviewed vocabulary words by doing Quién tiene_______? Lo,la, los, las, tengo... in a circle.
2. Then we put the vocab items in the center of the room. We pointed as I spoke.
3. Then I pointed while the class spoke.
4. Then we threw "pee wee" at the pile and the class named the items the the stick was touching.
5. We then had a challenge to see who could grab the item from the pile the fastest after I said the word.
If you were gone you need to study the list from the previous post that has the list of Spanish III/IV words. Teach to a parent and have them sign that you know them.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Monday, September 19
Spanish II:
1. Played go fish (vete de pesca). This may sound easy, but we had an important focus.
a. taking the clothing words and instead of saying blusa, we said it. It=lo or la, them=los, las
b. making sure we put it into the correct Spanish syntax.
We asked the question...
Do you have (fill in the blank with clothing items)?
Then we answered...
Yes, I have it/them.
No, I don't have it/them.
Example: Tienes la blusa. No, no la tengo.
If you were gone you need to take the list from september 9 and pick 10 of the vocab words. Use the dialog above, but translate it into Spanish. See example above.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Final preparations for protest.
2. Video recorded the presentation/protests.
If you were gone you need to do something Spanish related to make up your day.
1. Played go fish (vete de pesca). This may sound easy, but we had an important focus.
a. taking the clothing words and instead of saying blusa, we said it. It=lo or la, them=los, las
b. making sure we put it into the correct Spanish syntax.
We asked the question...
Do you have (fill in the blank with clothing items)?
Then we answered...
Yes, I have it/them.
No, I don't have it/them.
Example: Tienes la blusa. No, no la tengo.
If you were gone you need to take the list from september 9 and pick 10 of the vocab words. Use the dialog above, but translate it into Spanish. See example above.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Final preparations for protest.
2. Video recorded the presentation/protests.
If you were gone you need to do something Spanish related to make up your day.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Friday, September 16
Spanish II
1. Made cards for go fish.
2. Activity will cards, practiced saying the vocab words.
If you were gone you need to study the list of Vocab found on the September 9th blog. Write them out on the yellow paper and then translate. Study until you can say them in Spanish. Have a parent sign.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Spanish story time.
2. Created posters and planned protests.
Focus: hay que, vale la pena, para, al, commands.
If you were gone you need to create a paragraph using all of the focus phrases and concepts above.
1. Made cards for go fish.
2. Activity will cards, practiced saying the vocab words.
If you were gone you need to study the list of Vocab found on the September 9th blog. Write them out on the yellow paper and then translate. Study until you can say them in Spanish. Have a parent sign.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Spanish story time.
2. Created posters and planned protests.
Focus: hay que, vale la pena, para, al, commands.
If you were gone you need to create a paragraph using all of the focus phrases and concepts above.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Thursday, September 15
Spanish II:

1. Entry task and a variety of activities and challenges revolving around the following vocab words.
Falda, camisa, camiseta, blusa, chaqueta, pantalones cortos, sudadera, vestido, tenis, zapatos, calcetines, pantimedias, pantalones, jeans, traje, corbata, uniforme, cinturón, pijamas, sandalias, suéter, ropa interior.
If you were gone, you need to translate the words above into English.

1. Entry task and a variety of activities and challenges revolving around the following vocab words.
Falda, camisa, camiseta, blusa, chaqueta, pantalones cortos, sudadera, vestido, tenis, zapatos, calcetines, pantimedias, pantalones, jeans, traje, corbata, uniforme, cinturón, pijamas, sandalias, suéter, ropa interior.
If you were gone, you need to translate the words above into English.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Wednesday, September 14
Spanish II:
Began a story: Focus structures:
hay-there is/are
cuesta-it costs
cuestan-they cost
necesita comprar- needs to buy
así que - so
enviar-to send
If you were gone you need to make flashcards of the words above. One side English, one side Spanish. Study until you can read the Spanish out loud and know what it means. Have a parent quiz you and pass off that you understand then sign the makeup form.
Spanish Three:
Story about una ballena y una vaca. Focus structures was the imperfect past tense.
er/ir verbs endings are ía, ías.
If you were gone you need to come see me and schedule a time to make up the activity.
Began a story: Focus structures:
hay-there is/are
cuesta-it costs
cuestan-they cost
necesita comprar- needs to buy
así que - so
enviar-to send
If you were gone you need to make flashcards of the words above. One side English, one side Spanish. Study until you can read the Spanish out loud and know what it means. Have a parent quiz you and pass off that you understand then sign the makeup form.
Spanish Three:
Story about una ballena y una vaca. Focus structures was the imperfect past tense.
er/ir verbs endings are ía, ías.
If you were gone you need to come see me and schedule a time to make up the activity.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Tuesday, September 13
Spanish II:
1. Began class by pulling clothing out of a box and students would speak the Spanish word.
2. We then put the clothing on a pile on the floor and students would point as I said the items.
3. Next I pointed to each item and the student would say the item in Spanish.
4. Then we took turns throwing a stick onto the pile of clothing, and the items it hit, we would say in Spanish.
5. After that each person got an article of clothing and then we practiced yesterday's question and answer using lo, la =it, and los, las= them.
We were in a circle and each person would ask the question, Who has _____? Then the person who had it would answer, I have (it/them). Then the whole class would answer, (Peggy) has it/them.
6. We then had a challenge where we put the clothes back in a pile, then one person from each group would come up and I would say the Spanish word and the first person to grab three items won a point for their group.
If you were gone you need to translate the list from the blog on the 9th and translate into Spanish the sentences below.
Who has the suit? I have it.
Who has the pants? Jenny has them.
Who has the tie? Paco has it.
Who has the skirts? I have them.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Magic box continuation. I would describe, in Spanish, and you would guess which item I was holding.
2. Each person got an item and then we did the who has it activity.We were in a circle and each person would ask the question, Who has _____? Then the person who had it would answer, I have (it/them). Then the whole class would answer, (Peggy) has it/them.
3. We then put the items back in the box and then we learned how to say, who had, instead of who has.
The ending for er/ir verbs is "ía" Quién tenía el lobo? Who had the wolf. Dallas lo tenía. Dallas had it.
This was a group challenge where you had to remember the vocabulary word, who had it, and how to say that in Spanish.
If you were gone you need to translate the following into Spanish
Public Transportation
Recycling center
telephone book
Who had the cow? Tyler had it.
Who had the bear? Riley had it.
Who had the newspapers? Tyler had them.
Who had the bottles? Katie and Sabrina had them.
1. Began class by pulling clothing out of a box and students would speak the Spanish word.
2. We then put the clothing on a pile on the floor and students would point as I said the items.
3. Next I pointed to each item and the student would say the item in Spanish.
4. Then we took turns throwing a stick onto the pile of clothing, and the items it hit, we would say in Spanish.
5. After that each person got an article of clothing and then we practiced yesterday's question and answer using lo, la =it, and los, las= them.
We were in a circle and each person would ask the question, Who has _____? Then the person who had it would answer, I have (it/them). Then the whole class would answer, (Peggy) has it/them.
6. We then had a challenge where we put the clothes back in a pile, then one person from each group would come up and I would say the Spanish word and the first person to grab three items won a point for their group.
If you were gone you need to translate the list from the blog on the 9th and translate into Spanish the sentences below.
Who has the suit? I have it.
Who has the pants? Jenny has them.
Who has the tie? Paco has it.
Who has the skirts? I have them.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Magic box continuation. I would describe, in Spanish, and you would guess which item I was holding.
2. Each person got an item and then we did the who has it activity.We were in a circle and each person would ask the question, Who has _____? Then the person who had it would answer, I have (it/them). Then the whole class would answer, (Peggy) has it/them.
3. We then put the items back in the box and then we learned how to say, who had, instead of who has.
The ending for er/ir verbs is "ía" Quién tenía el lobo? Who had the wolf. Dallas lo tenía. Dallas had it.
This was a group challenge where you had to remember the vocabulary word, who had it, and how to say that in Spanish.
If you were gone you need to translate the following into Spanish
Public Transportation
Recycling center
telephone book
Who had the cow? Tyler had it.
Who had the bear? Riley had it.
Who had the newspapers? Tyler had them.
Who had the bottles? Katie and Sabrina had them.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Monday, September 12
Spanish II:
1. Entry task...had to find the correct item of clothing to get in to class.
2. asked, quién tiene _______? Who has_______?
Learned how to answer saying, She has it. Instead of saying she has the blouse.
Keep paying attention in class in order to pick up this concept.
3. Learned what syntax is. You must learn this word. Syntax is the order in which we say words so they make sense to a native speaker. If we mix up the order we get a syntax error.
4. There are two ways to say it and two ways to say them. Lo, la = it, los, las = them.
If you were gone, translate the following question and answers to English.
Quién tiene la blusa? Yo la tengo.
Quién tiene las camisetas? Yo las tengo.
Quién tiene el cinturón? Yo lo tengo.
Quién tiene los calcetines? Yo los tengo.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Magic box: we began to learn new vocabulary for the unit.
If you were gone you need to do something Spanish related to make up the absence. Pay attention in class to pick up the words you missed.
1. Entry task...had to find the correct item of clothing to get in to class.
2. asked, quién tiene _______? Who has_______?
Learned how to answer saying, She has it. Instead of saying she has the blouse.
Keep paying attention in class in order to pick up this concept.
3. Learned what syntax is. You must learn this word. Syntax is the order in which we say words so they make sense to a native speaker. If we mix up the order we get a syntax error.
4. There are two ways to say it and two ways to say them. Lo, la = it, los, las = them.
If you were gone, translate the following question and answers to English.
Quién tiene la blusa? Yo la tengo.
Quién tiene las camisetas? Yo las tengo.
Quién tiene el cinturón? Yo lo tengo.
Quién tiene los calcetines? Yo los tengo.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Magic box: we began to learn new vocabulary for the unit.
If you were gone you need to do something Spanish related to make up the absence. Pay attention in class to pick up the words you missed.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Friday, September 9
Spanish II:
1. Worked with the new vocabulary using Como me queda(n)?
2. Competition with the new verbs.
If you were gone you need to translate the clothing list into Spanish.
Dress Shirt
Tee shirt
Blouse (Girls dress shirt)
Sweatshirt (hoodie)
Tennis shoes
Dress Shoes
Pantyhose, stockings
Dress Pants
Spanish III/IV
1. We finished our challenge with new verbs and gestures as well as speaking them.
If you were gone you need to teach a family member the verbs and actions, and have a parent or guardian sign.
1. Worked with the new vocabulary using Como me queda(n)?
2. Competition with the new verbs.
If you were gone you need to translate the clothing list into Spanish.
Dress Shirt
Tee shirt
Blouse (Girls dress shirt)
Sweatshirt (hoodie)
Tennis shoes
Dress Shoes
Pantyhose, stockings
Dress Pants
Spanish III/IV
1. We finished our challenge with new verbs and gestures as well as speaking them.
If you were gone you need to teach a family member the verbs and actions, and have a parent or guardian sign.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Thursday, September 8
Spanish II:
1. We brought in clothing and I tried them on. Our goal was to begin to understand the Spanish word when spoken as well as the sentences I was using.
Cómo me queda(n)
How to me does it(they) fit?
Me queda(n) bien, mal, grande, pequeño, etc.
2. We also reviewed the colors. We will continue the activity today.
3. Period 4 did the verb challenge.
If you were gone you need to teach your parents the verbs and gestures and then have them sign you did it. (brothers and sister work okay too but parents still have to sign.
1. We brought in clothing and I tried them on. Our goal was to begin to understand the Spanish word when spoken as well as the sentences I was using.
Cómo me queda(n)
How to me does it(they) fit?
Me queda(n) bien, mal, grande, pequeño, etc.
2. We also reviewed the colors. We will continue the activity today.
3. Period 4 did the verb challenge.
If you were gone you need to teach your parents the verbs and gestures and then have them sign you did it. (brothers and sister work okay too but parents still have to sign.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Wednesday, September 7
Spanish II:
1. Took a quiz on understanding the verbs when spoken in Spanish.
2. Began a challenge where each group went up against the other group. We will continue this challenge tomorrow.
3. Homework was to bring in clothing items from the list that I handed out at the end of class.
If you were gone you need to schedule a time to take the quiz. The 14th of September is you last day to take it.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Greet the class in Spanish.
2. Class quiz on review verbs.
3. Showed Austin Wilson's song presentation from last year. Youtube: vuelve a mi austin and watch it if you were gone. Have a parent sign that you did.
1. Took a quiz on understanding the verbs when spoken in Spanish.
2. Began a challenge where each group went up against the other group. We will continue this challenge tomorrow.
3. Homework was to bring in clothing items from the list that I handed out at the end of class.
If you were gone you need to schedule a time to take the quiz. The 14th of September is you last day to take it.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Greet the class in Spanish.
2. Class quiz on review verbs.
3. Showed Austin Wilson's song presentation from last year. Youtube: vuelve a mi austin and watch it if you were gone. Have a parent sign that you did.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Tuesday, September 6
Spanish II:
1. Presentation on Costa Rica. We will be studying Costa Rica this whole year. Their dress, food, habits, culture, etc. At the end of the year you will have a chance to go to Costa Rica. We have a meeting this next Monday, the 12th @ 6:30 PM. Ask me where.
2. We then finished the Hugh Newman video and then have a class discussion on our class norms. Each class decided that we agreed to always be positive and no putdowns to others.
If you were gone you need to pick up a reminder for the meeting if you are interested in going to Costa Rica. You then need to use the notes on the whiteboard to summarize the class norms on the homework makeup form.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Presentation on Costa Rica. We will be studying Costa Rica this whole year. Their dress, food, habits, culture, etc. At the end of the year you will have a chance to go to Costa Rica. We have a meeting this next Monday, the 12th @ 6:30 PM. Ask me where.
2. We then began a trial on the new smartboard clickers. Not much success, so we'll try tomorrow.
If you were gone you need to pick up a reminder for the meeting if you are interested in going to Costa Rica.
1. Presentation on Costa Rica. We will be studying Costa Rica this whole year. Their dress, food, habits, culture, etc. At the end of the year you will have a chance to go to Costa Rica. We have a meeting this next Monday, the 12th @ 6:30 PM. Ask me where.
2. We then finished the Hugh Newman video and then have a class discussion on our class norms. Each class decided that we agreed to always be positive and no putdowns to others.
If you were gone you need to pick up a reminder for the meeting if you are interested in going to Costa Rica. You then need to use the notes on the whiteboard to summarize the class norms on the homework makeup form.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Presentation on Costa Rica. We will be studying Costa Rica this whole year. Their dress, food, habits, culture, etc. At the end of the year you will have a chance to go to Costa Rica. We have a meeting this next Monday, the 12th @ 6:30 PM. Ask me where.
2. We then began a trial on the new smartboard clickers. Not much success, so we'll try tomorrow.
If you were gone you need to pick up a reminder for the meeting if you are interested in going to Costa Rica.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Friday, September 2
Spanish II:
1. Verb and gestures challenge in our groups.
2. Watched hugh newman validation video...first eight minutes. We will use this to discuss our class norms on Tuesday.
If you were gone you need to watch the first eight minutes of the video on youtube and then write down three class norms or rules to live by, based on the video.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Watched the first follower video on youtube. Class discussion on norms. We will write out our norms on Tuesday.
If you were gone, youtube the video and watch it. Come up with three class norms and turn them in.
1. Verb and gestures challenge in our groups.
2. Watched hugh newman validation video...first eight minutes. We will use this to discuss our class norms on Tuesday.
If you were gone you need to watch the first eight minutes of the video on youtube and then write down three class norms or rules to live by, based on the video.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Watched the first follower video on youtube. Class discussion on norms. We will write out our norms on Tuesday.
If you were gone, youtube the video and watch it. Come up with three class norms and turn them in.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Thursday, September 1
Spanish II:
1. Verbs and gestures.
Spanish III/IV:
Verbs and gestures.
1. Verbs and gestures.
Spanish III/IV:
Verbs and gestures.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Wednesday, August 31
Spanish II:
1. Learned how to make up an absence.
2. Reviewed gestures and verbs.
If you were gone you need to show me you need to make up an absence by filling out the paperwork correctly. Please pick up the instructions from me.
Spanish III:
Learned new verbs, gestures and sounds.
1. Learned how to make up an absence.
2. Reviewed gestures and verbs.
If you were gone you need to show me you need to make up an absence by filling out the paperwork correctly. Please pick up the instructions from me.
Spanish III:
Learned new verbs, gestures and sounds.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Tuesday, August 30
Spanish II:
1. Turned in the syllabus
2. Syllabus Quiz and class discussion.
3. Some classes had time to review gestures and sounds for new verbs.
If you were gone you need to turn in your signed syllabus and schedule a time to take the quiz with me.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Turned in the syllabus
2. Syllabus Quiz and class discussion.
3. Began learning new gestures and sounds for our verbs.
4. Formed survivor groups.
If you were gone, turn in syllabus and find out who your new group is. Pay attention in class to pick up on new gestures and sounds.
1. Turned in the syllabus
2. Syllabus Quiz and class discussion.
3. Some classes had time to review gestures and sounds for new verbs.
If you were gone you need to turn in your signed syllabus and schedule a time to take the quiz with me.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Turned in the syllabus
2. Syllabus Quiz and class discussion.
3. Began learning new gestures and sounds for our verbs.
4. Formed survivor groups.
If you were gone, turn in syllabus and find out who your new group is. Pay attention in class to pick up on new gestures and sounds.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Monday, October 29
Spanish II:
1. Meet and Greet activity in Spanish.
2. Learned gestures and sounds for new verbs in the unit. (reviewed the meaning of infinitivo and conjugación)
3. Competition between partners with new verbs.
4. Received syllabus as a homework assignment. You and your parents/guardians must read (and sign) the whole thing because there will be a quiz tomorrow on what the syllabus says.
If you were gone you need to talk to a classmate to find out the gestures and sounds for the new verbs. Also, pick us a syllabus and do number four above.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Meet and Greet activity in Spanish.
2. Learned gestures and sounds for new verbs in the unit. (reviewed the meaning of infinitivo and conjugación)
3. Competition between partners with new verbs.
4. Received syllabus as a homework assignment. You and your parents/guardians must read (and sign) the whole thing because there will be a quiz tomorrow on what the syllabus says.
If you were gone you need to talk to a classmate to find out the gestures and sounds for the new verbs. Also, pick us a syllabus and do number four above.
1. Meet and Greet activity in Spanish.
2. Learned gestures and sounds for new verbs in the unit. (reviewed the meaning of infinitivo and conjugación)
3. Competition between partners with new verbs.
4. Received syllabus as a homework assignment. You and your parents/guardians must read (and sign) the whole thing because there will be a quiz tomorrow on what the syllabus says.
If you were gone you need to talk to a classmate to find out the gestures and sounds for the new verbs. Also, pick us a syllabus and do number four above.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Meet and Greet activity in Spanish.
2. Learned gestures and sounds for new verbs in the unit. (reviewed the meaning of infinitivo and conjugación)
3. Competition between partners with new verbs.
4. Received syllabus as a homework assignment. You and your parents/guardians must read (and sign) the whole thing because there will be a quiz tomorrow on what the syllabus says.
If you were gone you need to talk to a classmate to find out the gestures and sounds for the new verbs. Also, pick us a syllabus and do number four above.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Homework Makeup Form
Student Name_________________________________ Date__________________ Period_____________
Homework Makeup Form
Mr. Whittle
*One form for each absence. Your homework will only be accepted with this form.
Circle the month and day you were absent.
Month: August, September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May, June,
Days: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,14, 15, 16, 17,
18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Write down the assignment for each day. If there is no specific assignment, write down what you plan to do to make up the activity of the day, based on what we did in class.
Assignment: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Assignment Due Date: ___________________________________________________
If we covered a new concept you will find notes on the blog. Please summarize the notes below:
Parent Signature (when required):_______________________________________________
Homework Makeup Form
Mr. Whittle
*One form for each absence. Your homework will only be accepted with this form.
Circle the month and day you were absent.
Month: August, September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May, June,
Days: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,14, 15, 16, 17,
18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Write down the assignment for each day. If there is no specific assignment, write down what you plan to do to make up the activity of the day, based on what we did in class.
Assignment: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Assignment Due Date: ___________________________________________________
If we covered a new concept you will find notes on the blog. Please summarize the notes below:
Parent Signature (when required):_______________________________________________
Attendance Policy
Attendance Policy: Mr. Whittle
Each absence is ten points off your participation grade.
Blue slips allow you to make up the day’s work for credit.
You have one day for each day you are absent, plus one, to make up your work. The day you come back counts for one day.
Example: If you are gone one day. You have the day you get back plus one day. So your work would be due to me the day after you got back. If you were gone on Tuesday and Wednesday, you would have Thursday, Friday, and the work would be due to me on Monday. If this isn’t clear please request clarification.
If you are going, here is what you do
1. Make sure you go to the office to pick up a slip.
2. Go to the computer; fill out the “absent make up”. (I will not permit you to enter class until this is done. You need to attach this form to the work you turn in. You can access this at home at:
3. Get your work from the bin by the computer or Schedule a time to meet with me on my calendar.
4. Bring me your blue/pink slip from the office.
5. Check yourself into class for the day.
Each absence is ten points off your participation grade.
Blue slips allow you to make up the day’s work for credit.
You have one day for each day you are absent, plus one, to make up your work. The day you come back counts for one day.
Example: If you are gone one day. You have the day you get back plus one day. So your work would be due to me the day after you got back. If you were gone on Tuesday and Wednesday, you would have Thursday, Friday, and the work would be due to me on Monday. If this isn’t clear please request clarification.
If you are going, here is what you do
1. Make sure you go to the office to pick up a slip.
2. Go to the computer; fill out the “absent make up”. (I will not permit you to enter class until this is done. You need to attach this form to the work you turn in. You can access this at home at:
3. Get your work from the bin by the computer or Schedule a time to meet with me on my calendar.
4. Bring me your blue/pink slip from the office.
5. Check yourself into class for the day.
Class Syllabus
Teacher – Mr. Nathan Whittle
Room – 111
Contact Information –, 573-7407
Contact Hours – 7:20 a.m. – 2:50 p.m.
Class Website:
“Rules are for the discipline of fools or for the guidance of the wise.”
Questions and Answers
What do you want the student to be able to do as a result of taking your class?
1. Communication:
a. Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions in Spanish.
b. Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
c. Students present information, concepts, and ideas in Spanish to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
2. Cultures:
a. Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the Spanish speaking cultures.
b. Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the Spanish speaking cultures.
3. Connections:
a. Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other school subject areas through the study of Spanish.
b. Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
4. Comparisons:
a. Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the studied Spanish and their own.
b. Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
5. Communities:
a. Students use Spanish both within and beyond the school setting.
b. Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using Spanish for personal enjoyment and enrichment
How can one know how well they are doing with their Spanish learning?
The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages proficiency scale ( identified the stages of speaking and writing a foreign language. Each stage (except superior) has a low, middle, and high level. The following stages are used to determine proficiency.
1. Novice
2. Intermediate
3. Advanced
4. Superior
What are the proficiency goals at the end of each year of Spanish?
First Year: Each student should be at least low intermediate.
Second Year: Each student should be at least middle intermediate.
Third year: Each student should be at high intermediate.
Fourth year: Each student should be at advanced low.
Fifth year: Each student should be at advanced middle.
Sixth year: Each student should be at advanced high.
Seventh year: Each student should be at superior.
Does it really take seven years to learn a language?
Actually, seven years is an average. It can take up to ten years and you can do it quicker than seven years by doing more on your own, using the language when possible, and traveling to Spanish speaking countries with the goal to use the language. So don’t be discouraged if you aren’t where you think you should be, because you probably are where you should be. It is a process.
What is the best way to learn a language?
Input, input, input. It is like programming a computer. In order for it to work, someone has to put the information inside your head. Studies show that hearing it, then speaking it before you read and write it is best. You will have to hear, speak, read, and write everything hundreds of times before you reach the superior level.
How do you grade?
Grades are separated into categories and weighted accordingly.
What will the grade book look like?
Assignment Titles: Here you will see what type of assignment it was.
1. Daily Engagement (30%) is based on your attention and effort.
2. Class Participation Homework (5%) is homework NOT collected, but to be used in the daily lesson.
3. Assessment Homework / Projects (15%) is collected homework that will be graded and used to provide feedback about students understanding of the content.
4. Unit Exams and Quizzes (40%) are ongoing assessments of the students understanding of the content.
5. Final Exam (10%) is given at the end of each semester to assess what has been learned throughout the entirety of the course.
Categories: We are working towards meeting standards set Nationally (ACTFL) for all who study foreign language. Each Assignment entered will tie to at least one standard.
1. Communication (Reading, Writing, Listening & Understanding, Speaking Fluency): Communicate in Spanish. (90% of entered activities fall under communication)
2. Culture: Gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures.
3. Connections: Use Spanish to connect with other school subjects.
4. Comparisons: Develop Insight into the nature of Language and Culture.
5. Communities: Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home & Around the World.
What is different about how you give a grade?
Participation and Attendance Grade
If you were to walk into my classroom and stay for an hour, you would find that we work from bell to bell doing a variety of activities that focus on becoming proficient in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Spanish. In an effort to provide feedback and give a grade for all of these participation-based activities, I have created a unique system that tracks their attendance and participation.
What makes it unique?
I give the points, before they are ever earned! At the beginning of each month I enter all the points for that month. By doing this, I am assuming that they will be in class, ready to participate, and actively engaged in each lesson.
How do the points work?
For each Month I give ten points a day. In the grade book you will find a couple of months broken up and that is due to the ending of one quarter and the beginning of another. The student will be given 450 points per quarter. Below you can see a chart of the distribution of points throughout the year. You can look in Skyward to see if there are missing points. I keep a detailed file of all students that documents why they have lost their points. Feel free to contact me anytime to discuss what is happening with this portion of their grade. The chart below represents the points given under the category “Daily Engagement” and “Class participation homework.” This is 35% of the total grade.
Quarter Month Total School Days Monthly Points Awarded
First Aug./September 23 230
First October 21 210
First November 1 10
First 8/29-11/1 45 450
Second November 18 180
Second December 12 120
Second January 15 150
Second 11/2-1/24 45 450
Third January 5 50
Third February 20 200
Third March 20 200
Third 1/25-3/28 45 450
Fourth March/April 18 180
Fourth May 22 220
Fourth June 5 50
Fourth 3/29-6/7 45 450
How do they lose points?
1. Any absence for any reason. -10 points
2. Arriving late or leaving early. (More than ten minutes is an absence) -3 Points
3. Off task behavior. (Starts over daily)
a. First Offense: -5 points
b. Second Offense: -15 additional points
c. Third Offense: -20 additional points, office discipline, and removal from class
4. Unprepared for class. -5 points (Pencil, paper, etc).
5. Not COMPLETING a participation homework assignment. -10 points
6. Cell phone in class.
a. First Offense: -15 points
b. Second Offense: -50 points
c. Third Offense and beyond: -100 points each time.
Students will fill out a “Págame” form that details when and why they lost their points and it will be put in their file.
How can points be earned back?
1. Excused absences only can be made up after following class procedure for making up a missed day. Posted online (see website)
2. Whittle Bucks: A classroom currency that I hand out when someone in class goes above and beyond what is expected of them in class. (1 buck = 1 point)
3. Extra Credit Bank. I encourage each student to teach their family and friends what they are learning in class or to use it in some way in the community. If a parent is willing to write a note detailing what was done and how much time was spent doing it, I will put this in their file and it will be used to make up missed points as well.
What are Mr. Whittle’s behavior expectations for each student?
1. Come Ready To Learn – Be seated by the time the bell finishes ringing. I expect that my students come to class each day with the necessary attitude and materials, as well as homework completed and ready for submission. Learning begins when once the student enters the classroom. DO NOT talk while I am talking.
2. Remain Seated Until Dismissed – Students are NOT to crowd around the entry area of the classroom. The bell does not dismiss students and students do not dismiss themselves as I will be dismissing them.
3. NO Electronic Devices – This refers to any object with an ON/OFF switch, and includes headphones and/or speakers (i.e. Cell Phones, I-PODS, etc). The only exception is an approved Spanish to English translator). If found, such items can be subject to confiscation. First warning is now, issued in writing and will be received verbally on the first day of school.
4. Respect Classroom Property – ALL property within the classroom is to be treated with respect. This includes student, teacher and school property.
5. Build a Positive Learning Environment – I hope that ALL students feel comfortable taking risks in my classroom. I feel strongly that students who allow for mistakes allow for enhanced learning. Foul language and profanity are absolutely NOT tolerated, and a detention will be assigned for violators. Please allow for optimal learning conditions, and this includes being able to laugh at oneself. Always be positive.
6. Complaining – I believe that a positive attitude is necessary for success. If for any reason any one student complains, whines etc. about any type of assignment, the assignment will be doubled for the whole class.
Do you accept late work?
If I assign something, I expect it to be done. I can’t see if we are meeting standards if I have zeros in the grade book. I won’t give full credit, but you will finish each assignment. If not you will be issued a failure to pursue a course of study.
Any other policies I should know about?
-All district and school policies apply: See planner or district website for details.
-This includes grading scale and discipline.
- Advancement Policy- You must have a “C” grade or better, or special teacher permission, upon completion of each semester to advance to the next semester or the next course level.
-Hall passes: Students are given two hall passes per quarter. Must sign in and out of class. May be redeemed for extra points if not used at the end of each semester.
Please keep the previous pages for your records and turn this page into Mr. Whittle.
I am looking forward to this upcoming year and believe that it will be fun for everyone involved. I know that no matter the size of the group, I look forward to giving each student the individual attention that he or she deserves. Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time should there be any questions.
Please sign and return by Thursday, September First.
I have read, understood, and agree to the aforementioned expectations and policies for Mr. Whittle’s Spanish class. (WITH AN EMPHASIS ON HOW HE ENTERS GRADES IN THE GRADE BOOK)
Student Name___________________________Signature______________________________________
Date Signed: _____________________
On occasion the class views tasteful movies and movie clips related to the curriculum that have a rating that will never exceed PG-13.
Class Website:
When we do field trips, presentation, and certain activities I post pictures on the classroom website.
If you do not want your child to participate in either the listening activities through movies or their picture posted to the website, please write a note below expressing your desires. Thank you.
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