Spanish II:
1. Vocab Quiz. You have until the 29th of September to make it up for full credit.
2. Used the vocabulary from the quiz to learn
This= este, esta
These= estos, estas
That = ese, esa
Those= esos, esas
You need to learn the rhyme: This and these have the "T's" that and those...don't. Okay, it doesn't all rhyme, but it will help you remember them.
If you were gone translate the following:
Esta blusa roja cuesta dos mil colones.
Estas camisetas amariilas cuestan diez mil quinientos colones.
Ese vestido negro cuesta veinticinco mil dos cientos noventa y tres colones.
Esos pantalones cortos anarajados cuestan once mil tres cienteos setenta y cinco colones.
Este cinturón azul cuesta quinientos colones.
Esa chaqueta verde cuesta quince mil colones.
Estos suéteres marones cuestan ocho mil seiscientos ocho colones.
Esas pantimedias moradas cuestan mil colones.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Dart board challenge with the goal to use commands and DOPs (lo, la, los, las)
2. I would do an action and then hold up a vocabulary prop. For example, I would do the gesture for "separar" then I would hold up madera and botellas. The first person to say, sepáralas, won a dart throw. This is a two day challenge.
If you were gone you need to practice saying the following, using the example as a template...then write them down to prove you did it. Speaking is the most important part.
1. apagar, las luces = apágalas (did this for you)
2. formar, la tierra
3. reciclar, el cartón
4. usar, las bicicletas
5. conservar, la energía
6. reducir, el uso de las fábricas
7. montar, el transporte público
8. poner, la caja
9. ser, un oso
10. recoger, la vaca
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