Spanish II:
1. Presentation on Costa Rica. We will be studying Costa Rica this whole year. Their dress, food, habits, culture, etc. At the end of the year you will have a chance to go to Costa Rica. We have a meeting this next Monday, the 12th @ 6:30 PM. Ask me where.
2. We then finished the Hugh Newman video and then have a class discussion on our class norms. Each class decided that we agreed to always be positive and no putdowns to others.
If you were gone you need to pick up a reminder for the meeting if you are interested in going to Costa Rica. You then need to use the notes on the whiteboard to summarize the class norms on the homework makeup form.
Spanish III/IV:
1. Presentation on Costa Rica. We will be studying Costa Rica this whole year. Their dress, food, habits, culture, etc. At the end of the year you will have a chance to go to Costa Rica. We have a meeting this next Monday, the 12th @ 6:30 PM. Ask me where.
2. We then began a trial on the new smartboard clickers. Not much success, so we'll try tomorrow.
If you were gone you need to pick up a reminder for the meeting if you are interested in going to Costa Rica.
Hola Sr. Whittle. Me gusta mucho tus clase. Es muy divertirse. :D
ReplyDelete--Kelli Williams, Per. 2
Muy bien Kellibear. Ahora te voy a perdonar tu págame. :) Gracias por ser tan positiva.