Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday, November 21

Spanish II:

1. Worked on reading Spanish out loud, by breaking it up into syllables. We then reviewed the accent rule.
2. Used whiteboards and markers to practice.
3. Homework was the worksheet.

If you were gone, pick up the worksheet. Copy and paste from below if you can't get it from school. Do the worksheet. See previous posts for notes.


Rewrite each word, using lower case letters, and separating each syllable with a hyphen (-). On the syllable that you hear the stress when you read it, write those letters in Upper-case. Write the accent if the spoken stress isn’t on the second syllable from the end.

Example 1: gorro: GO-rro
Example 2: matematicas: ma-te-MA-ti-cas
1. lugares de interes: _______________________________________
2. ciudad: ________________________________________________
3. maleta:________________________________________________
4. montañas: ______________________________________________
5. museo: ________________________________________________
6. camara: ________________________________________________
7. bufanda: _______________________________________________
8. fotos: __________________________________________________
9. piramide: _______________________________________________
10. llueve: ________________________________________________
11. nieva: _________________________________________________
12. recuerdos: _____________________________________________
13. cataratas: ______________________________________________
14. guantes: _______________________________________________
15. impermeable:___________________________________________

Spanish III/IV:

1. Duel challenge for those that were here on Friday.
2. TPR-Learned actions and sounds for new verbs.
3. Challenge for Whittle Bucks with a partner.
4. Survivor challenge with another partner.

If you were gone you need to learn the gestures and sounds for all the verbs so that you understand them when Spoken in Spanish.

Below is the list of verbs we will be learning.

despertarse (e-ie)
vestirse (e-i)
acostarse (o-ue)
dormirse (o-ue)
soler (o-ue)=to be in the habit of, or to tend to

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