Friday, March 23, 2012

March 19 to March 23

Name: Nathan Whittle
Course: Spanish II
Unit: ¿Cómo te sientes?
Enduring Understanding: Students will communicate in Spanish through listening and understanding, speaking, reading, and writing while working towards fluency.
What the student should know, understand, or be able to do Teacher/Student Activities Daily Assessment/Closure
Monday Students will be able to express how they feel and give and take advice on how to get better. 1. Dialog Activity
2. Dialog on the board, students line up in two lines and perform the dialog two at a time.
3. Teacher erases words as they go. 1. Performance of the dialog. Looking for reduced wait time in the conversation.
Tuesday Same as Monday

1. Entry Task
2. Dialog Activity
3. Partners, one is a doctor, the other a patient. Rotate through the class. 1. ET, looking for understanding of Spanish using target vocab and structures.
Wednesday Same

1. Bingo writing game using the structures.
2. Exit Ticket.
a. Student gets one square from bingo and writes it on the exit ticket. 1. Looking for correct written structures and writing fluency.
Thursday Same

1. Texting game.
2. This is a silent dialog, where they use the whiteboards and pretend that they are their phones. No real texting is happening. 1. Observations of individual whiteboards looking for same as yesterday.
Friday Same
1. TPRS Leading into the writing workshop/project.
2. Practice writing dialogs. Surround sound and same as yesterday.

Name: Nathan Whittle
Course: Spanish III/IV
Unit: Cuando era un niño pequeño.
Enduring Understanding: Students will communicate in Spanish through listening and understanding, speaking, reading, and writing while working towards fluency
What the student should know, understand, or be able to do Teacher/Student Activities Daily Assessment/Closure
Monday Student will be able to use the imperfect tense to discuss how they were when they were little. 1. TPR with verbs and imperfect tense.
2. Challenge with conjugations.
3. Exit task. Students write down what teacher acts out. Challenge and correct responses to exit task.
Tuesday Same 1. Entry Task
2. TPR Challenge with speaking new verbs in imperfect tense. Entry task and challenge, looking for correct use of advanced structure.
Wednesday Same 1. Bingo game with Verbs and imperfect tense. Same as yesterday.
Thursday Same 1. Q and A with how they were when they were little, etc. 1. Surround sound looking for reduced processing time.
Friday Students will rewrite their power points focusing on advanced structures. 1. Work on song presentations. Begin next Friday. Power points, looking for writing fluency and advanced structures.

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