Name: Nathan Whittle
Course: Spanish 2
Unit: ¿Qué haces en tu casa?
Enduring Understanding: Students will communicate in Spanish through listening and understanding, speaking, reading, and writing while working towards fluency.
1/17/12-1/20/12 What the student should know, understand, or be able to do Teacher/Student Activities Daily Assessment/Closure
Monday No School MLK Jr. Day
Tuesday Students will reflect on their test, and use this time to look over their writing and fix their mistakes. 1. Feedback on tests.
2. Go over the writing part and correct errors. Test Results: Looking for good corrections of their writing.
Wednesday Students will be able to understand new verbs when spoken. 1. TPR: New verbs.
2. Exit task, I say the verb and students perform the action. Exit Task: Look for correct actions when spoken by teacher.
Thursday Same as Wednesday 1. TPR review
2. TPR Challenge. Same as Wed.
Friday Same as Wednesday 1. TPR Review
2. TPR Quiz Same as Wed.
Course: Spanish III
1. Unit: ¿Cómo te diviertes?
Enduring Understanding: Students will communicate in Spanish through listening and understanding, speaking, reading, and writing while working towards fluency.
1/17/12-1/20/12 What the student should know, understand, or be able to do Teacher/Student Activities Daily Assessment/Closure
Monday No School MLK JR. Day It took a lot longer to do the oral testing as I thought. This is why I have the same lesson plans as last week for the rest of the week. I didn’t begin the new unit.
Tuesday Understand new verbs and vocabulary when spoken. 2. Begin new Chapter with tpr.
3. ¿Cómo te diviertes? Surround sound and observations of gestures.
Wednesday Same as Tuesday 1. Tpr challenges.
2. Draw Vocabulary Looking for correct actions when verb is spoken.
Thursday Speak new verbs and vocabulary. 1. Entry Task
2. Tpr challenges.
3. Vocabulary Game Looking for correct verbs spoken when action is performed.
Friday Same as Thursday. 1. Vocabulary game
2. Speaking prompt.
3. Get schedule for song presentations. Same as Wed. and Thurs.
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