Thursday, October 27, 2011

October 26 Span. 2 finished tests. If you were gone, make it up. Span III,IV Jordan came in and we tested on music. If you were gone work on your song.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tuesday, October 25

Spanish II:

1. Test/Interviews.
2. Shrek listening activity.

If you were gone you need to finish your test. If you already have, just fill out the yellow make up form and write that you finished your test and turn in the paper.

Spanish III/IV:

1. Song of the day.
2. Quick review of the accent rule.
If the spoken stress fall on the second to the last syllable there is no need to write an accent mark. If it falls anywhere else, then you write it. (uneless it ends in ol or il.)
3. Challenge with whiteboards and darts.

If you were gone you need to go to the following website, copy down notes by hand, then take the basic quiz listed under lesson 93 (a) Print out the completed quiz and staple to the yellow page with your notes.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday, October 24

Spanish II:

1. Interviews/ Finished reading, writing test.

If you were gone you need to make up the test by Wednesday.

Spanish III/IV:

1. Song of the day. Héroe by Enrique Iglesias.
2. Finished and emailed lyrics in the Computer Lab.

If you were gone you need to get me the lyrics.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday, October 21

Spanish II:

1. Interviews for the Test/reading and writing section.

If you were gone you need to make up your test by the day we finish the test.

Spanish III/IV:

1. Song of the day.
2. You need to email me your lyrics by Monday. (
3. Began a challenge with whiteboards.

If you were gone see yesterdays make up work. If you were gone both days, you need to create five more of your own following that model. Write the English ones first and then turn them into Spanish. If you just missed yesterday, then you need only do yesterdays assignment.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thursday, October 20

Spanish II:

1. Finished interview review.
2. Reading section #1 of the test.

If you were gone you need to schedule a time to take this part of the test, on the calendar. It will take around 15-20 minutes to complete.

Spanish III/IV:

1. Song of the day.
2. Whiteboard activity with commands and dop's with accent marks.

If you were gone you need to translate the following to Spanish:


Pick up the box! Pick it up!
Recoge la caja! Recógela!

1. Recycle the can! Recycle it!
2. Separate the glass and the aluminum! Separate them!
3. Reduce the factories! Reduce them!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

La gatita

Una gatita esutdiando español...divertirse.

Wednesday, October 19

Spanish II:

1. Finished our interview review. See yesterdays post for practice instructions.
2. Took the listening portion of the test.
3. One person modeled the interview and we graded as a class.

If you were gone you need to schedule a time on the calendar before the end of class today to make up the listening portion of the test.

Spanish III/IV:

1. Song/Artist
2. Shared a couple of songs.
3. Flash card study with a partner.
4. Scategories challenge.

If you were gone you need to study your cards for twenty minutes and have a parent sign.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tuesday, October 18

Spanish II:

We practiced our interview questions. I would ask the question, and you would answer to a partner. The partner would write what you said, and then we would look at it as a class. STUDY FLASH CARDS to get better at understanding each word and processing them quicker.

Below are all the interview questions:

Sample interview questions that will be on the test. You will have to be able to read, write, speak, and listen and understand these phrases in Spanish.

¿Cómo te queda(n)? Me queda(n) bien.

¿Cuánto cuesta(n)? Cuesta(n) veinte dólares.

, ¿Dónde compraste esa blusa azul? La compré en la tienda de ropa.

¿Cuándo compraste tus pantalones cortos rosados? Los compré hace dos días.

The last one I will give you the English and you will translate.

Estos vestidos negros cuestan diez dólares.

If you were gone you need to study your flash cards, and then practice the above questions and answering in complete sentences. FOCUS ON THE MEANING OF THE WORDS, IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THEM, YOU WILL NEVER DO WELL WITH THIS ACTIVITY... GUESSING DOESN'T WORK! Parents sign with a note of what you did.

Spanish III/IV:

1. Homework assignment is to come up with three choices of songs you want to learn. Make sure you write them down along with the artist. '

2. Shrek II verb translation challenge. Finish tomorrow.

If you were gone you need to get the translations from a friend.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday, October 17

Spanish II:

1. Reviewed projects.
2. Project feedback.
3. 34/50 and below is a redo.

If you were gone you need to check you score and if you got a 35 or better then you can study flash cards to make up your day, have parents sign. If you got below 35 you need to rewrite all the sentences correctly as well as study flashcards and have parents sign.

Spanish III/IV:

1. Collected you poem packets to check for #2.
2. Shrek II packet. Identified all the verbs and how to translate them.
3. Translate challenge

If you were gone, turn in your packet, and get a copy of someone's Shrek packet and highlight each verb.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday, October 14

Spanish II:

1. Costa Rica Video with notes.
2. Three question essay due on Monday.

If you were gone you need to come after school today or tomorrow to watch the video, and do the essay questions. You may not do the essay questions until you watch the video.

Spanish III/IV:

1. Took the Shrek II packet and highlighted all the verbs. Used the "text book" to translated the verbs.

If you were gone you need to do that.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thursday, October 13

Spanish II:

1. Interview Practice
2. Presentation of projects (if time)

If you were gone, study flash cards for twenty minutes and have parents sign.

Spanish III/IV:

1. Shrek II packet translation challenge.
2. Translation challenge.

If you were gone you need to get with a partner and translate the words that we translated as a class.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday, October 12

Spanish II:

1. Flash card grab game.
2. Spanish side up.
3. Read Spanish when given verbal cue.

If you were gone, have a parent quiz you on the words. They need to read the English and you need to say the Spanish. Have parent write a note, describing what you did and how long you did it.

Spanish III/IV:

1. Poem Packet Quiz

If you were gone you need to read the packet, circle the words you don't understand, and then schedule a time to take the quiz.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday, October 11

Spanish II:

1. Flash card grab game.
2. English side up.
3. Understand spoken Spanish.

If you were gone you need to study flash cards for twenty minutes and have a parent sign.

Spanish III/IV:

1. Around the world vocabulary challenge.
2. Diamond Poem review.
3. Research an animal that is endangered for new poem.
4. Writing workshop introduction/reading activity. Did #1 of the packet.

If you were gone, do the above activity.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday, October 10

Spanish II:

1. Quiz Remediation activity.
a. Translation of quiz for meaning.
b. Fixing agreement and syntax

If you were gone you need to pick up the activity and your quiz. Complete it following the given instructions.

Spanish III/IV:

1. Diamond Poem/Lecture and notes.
2. Computer lab

If you were gone, pick up the diamond poem notes and complete a diamond poem.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday, October 7

Spanish II:

1. Had a textbook check. If you didn't have it in class then you received a pagame. I usually do checks before we need them in class. Again, you are expected to have them in class daily.

2. Homework check. Did you complete the flash cards?

3. Five minutes to talk with your group to define words you couldn't at home.

4. Class asked about words they couldn't define as a group.

5. Cut out flashcards.

6. Self study: Read Spanish side and then say English word. Two piles. One pile for those you could do, and one for those you couldn't. Discard the ones you know and study the ones you didn't until you know them. Then flip them over, you will read the English side and say the Spanish word/phrase out loud. Two piles again. Same directions.

7. Short challenge against a partner for Whittle bucks.

If you were gone you need to show me your "text book" and completed flash cards. Then do #6 above at home, have a parent sign that you did it.

Spanish III/IV:

1. Grab game with markers. Spanish to English then English to Spanish.

First vote off.

If you were gone you need to study your flashcards for 20 min, parents sign.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thursday, October 6

Spanish II:

1. Got a list in English. Self quiz.
2. Homework is to make flashitos. Need to get 4 sheets, copy the English on one side, then the translation in Spanish on the other side.
3. Took a real quiz.

If you were gone PAY ATTENTION to the rest of this post! You need to get the list, make the flashitos, and you have until Oct. 13 to come in and make up the quiz. Please SIGN up on the calendar NOW.

Spanish III/IV:

1. Flashitos challenge with paquete challenge.

If you were gone, study flashcards for 20 min or until you know them from English to Spanish. Parent sign.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wednesday, October 5

Spanish II:

1. Writing workshop with projects.
2. Turned projects in.

If you were gone, I will not accept your project until you make up the writing workshop. Make up day will be after school on Friday the 7th.

Spanish III/IV:

1. Music and Dance...Salsa and Cumbia.

Google/youtube both dances and music. Listen for at least 1/2 hour. Parent sign.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tuesday, October 4

Substitute teacher today. Mr. Seaman

Spanish II:

1. Worked on the project. If you were gone yesterday, it is due tomorrow when you walk into class. It is your job to get it stamped. No stamp means no credit at all.

Spanish III/IV:

1. Picked up a list for flash cards.
2. Picked up paper for flash cards.
3. Made flash cards.

If you were gone, do the above activity.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday, October 3

Spanish II:

1. Worked on project. If you were gone, you need to finish it tonight. Due tomorrow.

Spanish III/IV:

We had the first of our two music/culture lessons. We looked at Flamenco and Merengue.

If you were gone you need to research both of these types of music/dance. Watch youtube videos on both types. Parents sign.